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37 Taliban militants killed, 8 injured in past 24 hours


Apr 19, 2012
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At least 37 Taliban militants were killed and 8 others were injured following military operations by Afghan national security forces during the past 24 hours.

Interior ministry of Afghanistan following a statement said Wednesday that the operations were jointly conducted by Afghan police, Afghan army and Afghan intelligence – National Directorate of Security (NDS) operatives.

The statement further added that the operations were conducted in Nangarhar, Zabul, Logar, Khost, Paktia, Herat, Helmand and Nimroz provinces of Afghanistan.

At least six Taliban militants were also arrested during the operations, interior ministry said in its statement, adding that Afghan security forces discovered and seized weapons, ammunition and explosives during the operations.

At least two Afghan national police service members were killed and another policeman was injured during the operations, the statement.

Afghan police forces also discovered and seized 77 improvised explosive device (IEDs) during separate operations in Takhar, Kandahar, Uruzgan, Helmand and Nimroz provinces of Afghanistan.

According to interior ministry, the IEDs were recently planted by Taliban militants to carry out insurgency attacks against the Afghan security forces.


37 Taliban militants killed, 8 injured in Afghan operations - Khaama Press (KP) | Afghan News Agency
ANA is on the perfect course of action.

Keep killing them without any offer. And slowly they will fade out.
Good Job keep slaughtering these Talibitchies :agree: :pakistan:
Please don't confuse the Afghan Taliban with the TTP. The ones you are calling, 'Talibitchies' are the Afghan Taliban that your ISI is supporting!! These are the yahoos who've been killed by the ANA, and not the TTP, which is your real enemy!

You just dialed a wrong number, and embarrassed yourself in the process!! :ashamed: :P
AFAIK, Taliban regime was dismanteled by the carpet bombing, followed by northern alliance ground clearance (genocide).
What is the source of (still alive) Taliban's, arms and training centers?
Please don't confuse the Afghan Taliban with the TTP. The ones you are calling, 'Talibitchies' are the Afghan Taliban that your ISI is supporting!! These are the yahoos who've been killed by the ANA, and not the TTP, which is your real enemy!

You just dialed a wrong number, and embarrassed yourself in the process!! :ashamed: :P

Man why do you want to burst their bubble? Posters like the one you mentioned and some more who posted before your reply have small brains.
You shouldn't put all this pressure on them.:disagree:
How long will the ANA hold up after the Americans leave? Half of the army is full drug addicts and the rest are Taliban sympathisers. We'll find out soon enough if the republic of Kabul survives the American withdrawal.
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