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340MW nuclear power plant starts operation

Mashallah. All thanks to Imran Khan. Without him working day & night on this project erecting the building & making the reactor by his own hands, we couldn't achieve this. Go Nawaz Go.
Mashallah. All thanks to Imran Khan. Without him working day & night on this project erecting the building & making the reactor by his own hands, we couldn't achieve this. Go Nawaz Go.
340MW is not big achievement we need more and Power plant is danger for public. We need to build dams in north Pakistan and we can generate 10,000 MW. That is cheap and also safe for environment. We already facing different type of pollution. Its not related with nukes rest of the uranium will be burn there. Many countries closing there nuclear power plant due to pollution and what we are doing ?
the next step is going to be a great news.acp1000 thats way more advance then anything in this region.based on westinghouse latest designs.chinese have made a marvelous job improving the stuff.
Excellent news! nuclear is a great source of base load energy, and it is not dependent on weather like hydro and wind power. also this medium size plane can be bought into production much faster, which helps accumulating in-house experience and expertise and paving for more ambitious projects in the future.:pakistan:
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