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31 killed as militants attack Pakistan army checkpost

That's probably because they are deployed in isolated localities of section and platoon strength, without any mutual support and in terrain more suitable to Taliban tactics. The defenders in posts are static targets whilst the Taliban are able to move with speed and employ surprise and deception at a time of their choosing.

In a counter insurgency scenario, you're a sitting duck if you're static! Unless of course, your post is well fortified and has sufficient troops to not only defend the post but also have the ability to conduct continuous area domination around the posts as also linking up with the neighboring ones. You can't do this if you are sitting around in an isolated post with 10 to 20 odd men! And that's probably what's happening out there due to a paucity of troops.

Americans always have isolated posts but they have very clear signage for oncoming trafic and people

"kill your speed or be killed"

fighting insurgents is a nightmare for soldiers specially when they are in their own country. Americans never loose sleep over it and actually brag about the civilians they have killed in Afghanistan and Iraq saying they killed a potential terrorist. here every soldier has to live with and answer for a civilian death

They are called terrorists for a reason :s

thats true

I recall an interview of a captured terrorist, a failed bomber who was sol clear about his beliefs and his mission

to all sorts of questions you and I or anyone will ask him he said

1. if the dead are sinner then its job well done and they will rot in hell
2. but if they agree and believe in our cause then even better because they will go in heaven

the program was aired on BBC and was conducted by a BBC correspondent in Karachi who joined a dawn raid in Karachi.
Begging bowl, front and center - march to the US embassy -- more $$ please - and can you throw in some F16, ery kind, most grateful - Golf this afternoon? we'll clear the "locals" off the course

or some helicopters please

and please dont mind the PTI and jamaat Islami we all know they are on board with the future setup.
believe us sirs when this stupid people burn the American flags then it tears our heart.


sure Helicopter escort to the golf course of course and yes, we will keep our security detail 1 km away from you since you have your own agents to look after you.
our security personnel will keep the lowlife commoners away

They are called terrorists for a reason :s

.. News Item: TTP Spokesman claimed responsibility for the attack

Farooq Khan: so Americans did it?
Khalid : yea and maybe RAW as well. no Muslim can do such thing
. .
It is shocking to there is no outrage among Pakistanis. Its not the headlines anymore.
Look at this site. It looks like this event never even happened.
The Express Tribune – Latest Breaking Pakistan News, Business, Life, Style, Cricket, Videos, Comments

private media is profit oriented, shock value is lost and people will only switch to something more interesting like

what did some showbiz star had for dinner and who is dating who

but say if American special ops do a raid on some terrorists then it will be prime news with Jamat Islami heading the protests , usual flag burning and cursing the army for selling its soul to Americans
@Pukhtoon : Rora, whats the situation on the ground in Peshawar ?
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Rip to the martyrs, soldiers and civilians.
according to TTP they were attacked by just 4 suicide bombers.. entirely possible as it was 3:45 am in the morning, they could have sneaked through unnoticed...
. .
@Irfan Baloch Sir, can you post that BBC program link or just mention more specific keywords ?
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But there was a post where these terrorist made some kind of Truce with Pakistan army..why they are attacking again?

simplest answer to your question is first these guys are generally hypocritical with such statements and "number of different radical factions" = TALIBAN. It's a very sensitive matter for PA, PA just can't send jets and blast them all up, It's PA own soil, there are innocent people who are used as shields by them and believe me PA took civilian safety it's top priority when it inducted swat operation, common People are the biggest asset and support for PA survival there like it would have for any other civilized military in world. things look grim sometimes but PA will bring justice to the effected land IA.
@Pukhtoon i read your wonderful comment..
i will reply if you try to write a more descent comment..
I stand by what i said and will respond.
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@Irfan Baloch Sir, can you post that BBC program link or just mention more specific keywords ?

it was few years back and I actually saw it on tv, I will have to check on BBC website and their archive.
checking now. I dont recall any keywords
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"Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return."

"Allatheena ithâ asabat-hum museebatun qaloo inna lillahi wa innâ ilay-hi raji'oon"

May THE ALMIGHTY forgive the bad deeds of the returning soul and accept the good ones, Ameen!

except the suicide Bombers I hope they and theirs Burn in Hell for eternity.
Pakistan Army should Pull out from Tribal areas and let the Americans have their way with them...

These areas are so messed up that they cant live without bloodshed...If they are not fighting foreigners they are fighting each other..
By foreigners i mean the rest of Pakistani ethnicity specially Punjabis who are seen as aliens over there..

They like killing but when PA fights back their Ethnic brothers stand up for them...

Sometimes i feel happy to be out of such a messed up country....

Here we have Scotts,English,Welsh.Irish and Gypsies...

Welsh are the most pressed people with the worst employment opportunities...Scotts say the same..
But never in the last 300 years these ethnicity have fought among each other..No wonder they are "developed country"

In Pakistan nobody is willing to accept their problem..
If every terrorist is an ethnic Pushtoon...If Current and all previous leaders of TTP are mehsood or local Tribal..then there is a real problem with tribal people and other Pushtoons should not support them just on ethnic grounds..
See and realize that there is a problem and let PA resolve this..

If closes down Afpak border the same tribals come moaning that they have family and businesses on the other side of the border and they have been going in and out for ever and PA the Punjabi army is seperating them from their Pushtoon brethren..
PA cannot stop them from entering the rest of the country..
so what the hell is PA supposed to do?
Then give away Tribal belt to Afghanistan. Make another border from where PA has total control.

Thing is Pakistan govt. and Army are not certain what to do with Tribal belt.

Afghanistan cannot handle the belt themselves nor do they deserve the belt. The belt is full of Pakistanis not Afghans.

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