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3 troops killed, 3 injured in NW Pakistan's blast

wet dreams..... we are not pakis ...

What wet dreams? I don't want them to do that. You're the ones cheering them on. You can do so in person once they visit you.

No, you are not like Pakis that's why we have two different states. Or have you just realised that?

Well we have seeing Pakistan's terrorists from last 30 years. We will see and kill them just like we doing it from last 30 years. But till then keep haveing blasts till Pakistan lasts.

The only killing that is going to happen is what happening now in Kashmir and on a far greater level. After all you do support them, that shouldn't be a problem.

As for blasts, you should be last people on the planet talking to us about blasts.

BBC News - Indian election: Bomb blasts kill 12 in Chhattisgarh

Oh what was that about Pakistan lasting? The nation will be around long after your own bones have turned to dust. :-)

P.S. If you hate us so much feel free to leave. Don't let the door hit you on the *** as you do.
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HEhehe Pakistan's having dreams of making india dust from 1947 but all u could do is lose ur half of the area in war with us and have a shameful surrender. We are handling our problem, Maoists problem is not bigger then ttp we don't need tanks or fighter jets attacking our own land. And dont make me post links of how many Pakistan's died this month in terrorist attacks, u won't get place to hide ur face. Enjoy the jihad and bomb blasts Pakistan's. Yes i hate you Guy's. But u know keep the enemy closer.

heheheheh? Laughter like that in this case is a classic case of nervousness.

Who said about making India dust? You obviously suffer from reading comprehension issues, as well as issues of delusional granduer. I was talking about you.

Oh here he comes about "we are handling our problem", so are we. Admittedly it will take a lot longer. Also what's wrong with using air support, your own politicians have called for the same thing!

I love how you threaten to show me how many blasts we have. Take a look in the mirror, you rank three in the world, just after us. Don't even try to turn this on me. You came on here celebrating the TTP and I just showed you how they plan to bring the same chaos to your side of the LOC.

Enjoy the bomb blasts, no I don't enjoy them and I won't ask the question if you enjoy India's, because that is psychopathic. if you enjoy them that much, which you clearly do, I suggest you engage in combat and fullfill your dream.

You hate us, good, we don'g give a damm about you and in actual fact we would be doing something wrong for the likes of someone like you to like us.

Keep your enemy close. Don't flatter yourself 007. You are on here because you are obsessed with us. Unable never to do anything in real life you come on here with your shitty, petty taunts about us "enjoying the blasts", deluding yourself into thinking you are some warrior who is taking the fight to Pakistan.

You make me laugh.


I'll say it again you hate us leave. But yet you don't. Says everything about you.
RIP to brave soldiers , why army is tolerating this ?? is the blood of a soldier is different from a general ? stop wasting time and start the air strikes :hitwall:
I come here to make fun of ur 13th failed nation . Even u just admitted we ranked after ur country in terms of blast being 7 time's bigger and still having less terrorism then ur country of course makes me feel safe, see in my country terrorism is dieing it's own death. It's no where it closed to be in. But ur 13 failed nation seeing the rise in terrorism every years. We don't need to use air strike on our lands( politicians can rant whatever they want freedom of speech and things) but the ground reality is our situation is still not that bad that we need to call air strikes within our borders against rag tag punks who hv nothing but a ak 47 few RPG and a worthless life.

I already outlined why you come on here above and the only thing now being laughed at are your half baked attempt to justify your presence on here. 13TH failed nation, no one takes FP's list seriously and what the likes of Prachi Vidwans and Preeti Aroon think. Terrorism still exists in India and being just behind us is still nothing to be proud of. As for size comparisons we're not small ourselves at 200 million people. The bottom line is that the people who are decision makers in your country have called fro strikes, it's just that we acted upon them with good results (see TTP ceasefire thread).

I think if you actually looked up at what people say about the TTP, they are not considering rag tag punks by analysts.

The Ambitions of Maulana Fazlullah, the Pakistani Taliban's New Chief : The New Yorker

Compared to their Afghan counterparts, the Pakistani Taliban have turned into a sophisticated group with global reach
heheheheh? Laughter like that in this case is a classic case of nervousness.

Who said about making India dust? You obviously suffer from reading comprehension issues, as well as issues of delusional granduer. I was talking about you.

Oh here he comes about "we are handling our problem", so are we. Admittedly it will take a lot longer. Also what's wrong with using air support, your own politicians have called for the same thing!

I love how you threaten to show me how many blasts we have. Take a look in the mirror, you rank three in the world, just after us. Don't even try to turn this on me. You came on here celebrating the TTP and I just showed you how they plan to bring the same chaos to your side of the LOC.

Enjoy the bomb blasts, no I don't enjoy them and I won't ask the question if you enjoy India's, because that is psychopathic. if you enjoy them that much, which you clearly do, I suggest you engage in combat and fullfill your dream.

You hate us, good, we don'g give a damm about you and in actual fact we would be doing something wrong for the likes of someone like you to like us.

Keep your enemy close. Don't flatter yourself 007. You are on here because you are obsessed with us. Unable never to do anything in real life you come on here with your shitty, petty taunts about us "enjoying the blasts", deluding yourself into thinking you are some warrior who is taking the fight to Pakistan.

You make me laugh.


I'll say it again you hate us leave. But yet you don't. Says everything about you.
I come here to make fun of ur 13th failed nation . Even u just admitted we ranked after ur country in terms of blast being 7 time's bigger and still having less terrorism then ur country of course makes me feel safe, see in my country terrorism is dieing it's own death. It's no where it closed to be in. But ur 13 failed nation seeing the rise in terrorism every years. We don't need to use air strike on our lands( politicians can rant whatever they want freedom of speech and things) but the ground reality is our situation is still not that bad that we need to call air strikes within our borders against rag tag punks who hv nothing but a ak 47 few RPG and a worthless life.
I already outlined why you come on here above and the only thing now being laughed at are your half baked attempt to justify your presence on here. 13TH failed nation, no one takes FP's list seriously and what the likes of Prachi Vidwans and Preeti Aroon think. Terrorism still exists in India and being just behind us is still nothing to be proud of. As for size comparisons we're not small ourselves at 200 million people. The bottom line is that the people who are decision makers in your country have called fro strikes, it's just that we acted upon them with good results (see TTP ceasefire thread).

I think if you actually looked up at what people say about the TTP, they are not considering rag tag punks by analysts.

The Ambitions of Maulana Fazlullah, the Pakistani Taliban's New Chief : The New Yorker

Compared to their Afghan counterparts, the Pakistani Taliban have turned into a sophisticated group with global reach
Really our decision makers called for air strike in our own land? Can u give a link when our pm president or any chif of armed forces have said that?

Effective? R u kidding me? Ttp is still alive and kicking blasting ur every town and every rank of officer every now and then even after u guys doing air strikes and fully armoured invasions. I dont need to view threads created and posted by fanboys. I just read the news to get information. Being 7 time larger then u and having problems less then u sure makes me feel much better and safe.
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