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3 terrorists killed in infiltration bid along LOC


I agree. Pakistani infiltration is an excuse or presumption used to kill local innocent Kashmiris. We Lucknowis are the children of such policies and our region does not even share a border with Pakistan-yet they oppress us and arrest our youth on false charges of terrorism:

Judicial harassment of Indian Muslims | Arab News
What happen it is become fashion in I.A to get promotion stage an alleged encounter even current army chief is accused of such incidents. They need excuse to kill Muslims.
What happen it is become fashion in I.A to get promotion stage an alleged encounter even current army chief is accused of such incidents. They need excuse to kill Muslims.

And you don't. That's the difference.

The Rate of Pakistanis Defending the terrorists making me feel so sorry for them

Be happy. The jihadi ideology and mentality has consumed Pakistan from within. The Indian armed forces have nothing much to do these days, other than swatting these infiltrators occasionally. The Pakistan armed forces are continuously at war on its own soil, and will remain so for ages to come. You can thank our neighbours' support and love for jihad and jihadis, for this wonderful state of affairs.
3 terrorists killed and their sympathizers are getting their knickers in a twist. Whatever happened to terror has no religion/no nationality? It is pathetic, but a certain class of people is willing to go to any lengths to hurt India - even if it means breeding poisonous snakes - snakes which sometimes turn on their own children, as in the APS tragedy an year back. With such patriots willing to sacrifice school-kids in their blind hate of India, Pakistan doesn't need any enemies. These 'patriots' will ensure destruction of the state.
The fencing, the motion detectors and the surveillance equipments are doing a good job. Now, almost all of the infiltration attempts are being foiled at the borders only.

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