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3 question About Nuclear Attack

1. If india has Policy of No first use of Nuclear Attacks . what happend if pakistan fires 10 nuclear missiles from different loctaions on india . can we intercept it .


No, India cannot. Currently India has only S-300PMU based BMD (rumored, deployed in late 1990s), guarding New Dehli and Chandigarh against tactical ballistic missiles of upto ~300km range missiles (Ghaznavi, Abdali). Considering the technological advancement in the field of ballistic missiles by Pakistan, this BMD is rendered ineffective.
The modern BMD (phase 1,2) is under-development, and hasn't been deployed yet.

2. What happend if only one pakistani missiles destroyed inside pakistan due to missiles malfuctions
pakistan destroys themselves by own hand . i wanna say nuclear missiles fires from sea is more safe or fires from ground base ?


Although weapon malfunctions are a reality, and incidents like missile motors exploding on ground because of a failure in launch can occur...this isn't the 1970s anymore.

The nuclear warheads cannot be detonated (damaged, but NOT detonated) by a conventional explosion except the one generated safely by the warhead's explosive lenses. This is because the modern nuclear warheads have arming procedures, included manual arming (by insertion of arming codes during flight) and environmental sensing devices, which assure that a nuclear warhead will not detonate unless they pass through a series of certain events.

3.What happend If india responds in 5 Minutes .. Can pakistan intercept india's nuclear attack.

Niether. India cannot respond within 5 minutes, not until Indian Navy has a SSBN patrolling in the Arabian Sea and awaiting launch orders. And if the Command & Control has been destroyed, in absence of any contingency SOP, there is no certainty of the Captain's decision.
Also, Pakistan cannot intercept any Indian nuclear strike except those by Fighter aircrafts.
If a nuclear bomb is used in these times of the world with all this UN, treaties against nukes etc no country can stop any other country from going for nuclear if such thing even happens.
Neither India & neither Pakistan have guts to launch nuclear attack. If no attack then where is place for retaliation.
"No First Use" policy is for trolling.:omghaha:
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