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3 injured as hot water leaks from pipeline at Kudankulam nuclear power plant site

wishing a speedy recovery for the injured and hoping no further Casualities...

On topic:Why there has been a surge in accidents at crucial assets in the recent past...Is it faulty maintenance or something else..
wishing a speedy recovery for the injured and hoping no further Casualities...

On topic:Why there has been a surge in accidents at crucial assets in the recent past...Is it faulty maintenance or something else..

We'll have to wait until May 16th don't we?
wishing a speedy recovery for the injured and hoping no further Casualities...

On topic:Why there has been a surge in accidents at crucial assets in the recent past...Is it faulty maintenance or something else..

nothing but some weird accident thats happening daily all over the world.they were repairing a pipe when hot water got spilled over them.

Six injured in Kudankulam Nuclear-plant accident in Tamil Nadu

Six workers were injured at Tamil Nadu's Kudankulam Nuclear Power Project (KNPP) Wednesday when hot water spilled on them while they were carrying out maintenance work, said a senior official."Six workers were on some maintenance job when hot water spilled on them while working on a pipeline. They have been admitted to hospital. There is nothing to worry about their safety," R.S. Sundar, KNPP site director, told IANS over phone.

He denied reports about any boiler having burst in the first unit of the KNPP and added that the reactor was functioning properly and there was no worry on that count.The injured workers were admitted to the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) hospital in Kudankulam town, Sundar said.

Six injured in Kudankulam Nuclear-plant accident in Tamil Nadu | Latest News & Updates at Daily News & Analysis
These are growth engines of country ..incompetence in this area should not be tolerated
Bit of a non-news story I mean nowhere is it mentioned the pipeline that burst was feeding the reactor. This could have been one of the many dozens of pipelines in place at the Kudankulam site, it is a MASSIVE site that has hundreds of workers with scores of buildings like canteens, rest rooms, housing, control rooms, security hubs etc etc all requiring water lines and it was one of these lines that burst. This happens how many 1000s of times a day across India and it isn't news. Yes I understand that as this is at a nuclear power plant it will garner more attention than had this been at a hotel but the fact remains this is a very very minor incident that has nothing to do with the reactors or even the complex where the nuclear material is, so where is the stink?
its just hot water and people are reacting as if heavy water is leaking :lol:

Casualties secondary to hot water are fine so no one should react.. Reaction should be only reserved for the causalities which happen due to heavy water... Is this what you want to say? You should be wishing recovery to the injured ones and thanking god instead of laughing pathetically..Situation would have been far too worst if heavy water had leaked.

The power plant where the incident has occurred went critical in July 2013. What should worry you in addition is the fact that the incident took place in the very first year of it's life.. It questions the viability of the project which still is in the phase of construction (a unit is still under construction)

FYI - This plant falls under the category of light water reactor which does not use heavy water/deuterium oxide as coolant and moderator. Civil nuclear reactors are mostly light water reactors.
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