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2nd pilot

Mastaan tell me after announcing election do u people get caretaker govt like us or the same continues ???with imposing terms from election commission as i think today india's election dates going to announce
Yep. The election commission puts in restrictions on big reforms and decisions in this period - Govt has to behave like a caretaker. IN addition, the election commission also came up with a ruling that political parties cannot use serving army professionals for marketing - as some in BJP had started to use Abhi;s pictures to whip up emotions and support
If true, then better it comes now than in the middle of another war... History bears a testament to the fact that mightiest of the armies have faced defeats in battles - if they don't learn then never stay mighty and if they learn, the can become great.

Ofcourse it will hurt the morale and feel bad, but bitter pills are required if the body needs medicine. I continue to see no point in Indian administration exposing itself to be made to look stupid tomorrow at pakistan's will, the night before election or for pakistan not to disclose such a huge win and may be a dead body. Think i am becoming repetitive. so i will leave it at this as we are all waiting to see what really happened. let's see what comes out

From Indian perspective, would the Hindu extremist regime except the losses at the hands of Pakistan right before the elections when they are portraying themselves as tough guys?
Yep. The election commission puts in restrictions on big reforms and decisions in this period - Govt has to behave like a caretaker. IN addition, the election commission also came up with a ruling that political parties cannot use serving army professionals for marketing - as some in BJP had started to use Abhi;s pictures to whip up emotions and support
Thanx that was my understanding too as decision making power taken from Modi now.Hope u start soon an indian election thread (i know u want to get promoted too here soon :) btw don't see any real challenge for Modi right now at least in Northern Indian states
War is art of deception, of course.

When able appear unable. When unable appear able. Who is what? India = ? Pakistan = ?

@Khafee dear friend remember the scenario we discussed in the late 2017? It is playing out rather clearly now.

If anyone thinks that India is in it alone is, of course, foolish.

Iran has now last chance to decide... whether it is neutral, with Pakistan or still in the Indo-American camp. All these games and rhetoric is not going to wash any longer.

The Game of Shadows is still being played in full.

KSA, UAE, Turkey are fully behind and with Pak State and People. Let there be no doubt.

China can NEVER allow to come any harm to CPEC phase 2 which is starting.

FDI agreements between Pak and KSA-UAE combine is just the start. Phase 2 is looking at total investment of more than $200 Bln. Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and EU are all interested. Pak is at the take off stage of economic revival of the 60s and become an economic pivotal state. To achieve this Pak has to adopt a new system of governance and bury the current mafia infested system. Time for action approaches.

On the opposing front it is the Old World Order. And on this side is the New Asia Centric Order. So war is not over yet.

Dowing of 3 aircrafts including 2 4th gen of IAF has burst the media and Think Tank inflated balloon of Indian power myth.

The power balance has now shifted. This puts the good Indians in a bind. They have to do something. But to do what?

The classic Indian modus operandi would be to deploy their terror proxies via AF. Pak State has factored this in.

Kashmir is Free for all practical purposes.

Killing and rapping more Kashmiris will only accelerate the process of recognition from the rest of the world.

A word of caution: Now all of sudden NYT, WP, BBC and the rest talking about Kashmir and Vintage abilities of Indian Armed Forces are NOT a cause of celebration but must be of Worry to the Pak Planners. War is art of deception.

The window for war is closing fast for Indians and their masters.

So letting down gaurd or too early celebrations would be cause of great pain for Pak State and People. Indians are in a desparate state to restore the balance. An uphill struggle for the Indians. Pak is NOT alone.

By targeting six installions and causing massive casualties in IoK to Indian troops Pak has actucally dominated the Acceleration Ladder and dared Indians and theirs.... Rather bold move by Pak.

If India doesn't do anything and only manufactures media myths then the Old World Order is not going to flirt anymore with the Indians. If India cannot dominate Pak then how on Earth it is going to help contain China.

In the ME the myth of Rising Indian Power is also shattered and that is very concerning to the Old World Order. Because India was supposed to take higher stakes in the ME Security Architecture. Now that balloon is flat too.

Gawadar has become even more relevant than ever before.

As I have said nummerously in 2017 ME Peace and Stability is in Pak's Strategic Interest.

Now with this new equation of India being in the bind puts Pak in a factoring position in ME. The New Security Architecture of ME is going to be Pak Centric. IF Pak pervails in this Game of Shadows and highly probable Indian agression.

@MastanKhan MK, old man, ever misunderstood! How you play the Indians, we like!

The only thing I find STUPID in this Game is of letting go of INS sub.

PNS should have killed it. India was in NO position to claim it. And it would have been later declared.... drowned due to technical difficulties. One INS asset would have been less to worry about. Neither Pak needed to claim the kill nor India had to own it. Win-Win paradigm.

Here in the blame lies NOT with PNS but with higher up Peacenicks... @Khafee , as I had said, PNS is a very creative force... the most underestimated and least praised of Pak Armed Forces... which is actually a good thing.

War is not over. No time for glee or celebration. This is NOT a war between India or Pak. But the battle ground of the Old World Order and the Asian Centric World for last 20 years!

A strong and prosperous Pak is not in the strategic interests of the Old World Order.

Pak State has masterfully avoided IMF so far. KSA-UAE combine came in with full force in this regard. If Pak State could accelerate its negotiations with the NS cartle and agree to 50% return of looted wealth then IMF would not be required. But NS cartle is playing sick... time for harsher measures perhaps?

War is stupid. Only stupid want war.

Winning without battle is the real thing. But then PDF fanboys would be bored. @WebMaster

I want to be as humble as Mig21..
always down to earth [emoji1787][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
If u facing any issue with it dose of SD 10 will help u its worked like charm ask Abhinandan
From Indian perspective, would the Hindu extremist regime except the losses at the hands of Pakistan right before the elections when they are portraying themselves as tough guys?
Taimoor, if reality bites, it bites. Right wingers will be right wingers, whichever be the country or religion - zealots cannot be allowed to drive the agenda and if the govt has lied, the zealots will not be able to influence more. Why should Pakistan admin worry about Indian right wingers. i am talking about hindu extremists - and do not accept the branding of the regime as a hindu extremist as such. but, i guess that is not the agenda of this thread. so we let that be that about that topic ;-)

On a more emotional note - haven't used this before - IK is a pathan ka bacha... i don't expect him to sit on deadbodies for no practical benefit - at least a big part of me is hoping for that.

Thanx that was my understanding too as decision making power taken from Modi now.Hope u start soon an indian election thread (i know u want to get promoted too here soon :) btw don't see any real challenge for Modi right now at least in Northern Indian states
He will win - it is a foregone conclusion... and yes, a promotion here some day will be nice ;-) ... been here too long .. but been a lurker primarily

Indian election threads will come soon.. wait for the Election Commission announcement.. it is the biggest exercise of its kind in the world... gonna be a fun summer.

Mastaan tell me after announcing election do u people get caretaker govt like us or the same continues ???with imposing terms from election commission as i think today india's election dates going to announce
BTW, Code of conduct has been applied today... Election dates announced.. April/May is elections time
Yes heard starting second week of April results will announced 23rd of May its time u start your own Indian elction thread so we get point of view from another side and i shared my opinion before (which may be wrong) Modi is going to win esp if public accept his current narrative (also no major opposition) at least in northern state.Southern mostly regional parties so with collations can make in center
Modi is going to win for sure ... the real test is 2 / 3 majority to change the constitution specially for kashmir
Yes heard starting second week of April results will announced 23rd of May its time u start your own Indian elction thread so we get point of view from another side and i shared my opinion before (which may be wrong) Modi is going to win esp if public accept his current narrative (also no major opposition) at least in northern state.Southern mostly regional parties so with collations can make in center
Modi is going to win for sure ... the real test is 2 / 3 majority to change the constitution specially for kashmir
not gonna happen - don't worry... 2/3 without Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh is not possible

They don't need 2/3 for article 370 removal- they just need to grow the balls and come with a plan to manage the outcome of that... There is also some opinions that govt can clear it with an odinance.

Opposition has no chance to say no to it. Point is, if you kill the golden egg laying goose, then how will you get the golden egg every election.. politicians want to keep milking the issue
not gonna happen - don't worry... 2/3 without Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh is not possible

They don't need 2/3 for article 370 removal- they just need to grow the balls and come with a plan to manage the outcome of that... There is also some opinions that govt can clear it with an odinance.

Opposition has no chance to say no to it. Point is, if you kill the golden egg laying goose, then how will you get the golden egg every election.. politicians want to keep milking the issue
When they gonna hear in Indian supreme court?seems court again deferring it
When they gonna hear in Indian supreme court?seems court again deferring it
Didn't heat anything was pending in court regarding it. Govt will need AG opinion and pass an ordinance. simple. at least for article 35A. 370 is a much tougher thing and would need more political will.
Didn't heat anything was pending in court regarding it. Govt will need AG opinion and pass an ordinance. simple. at least for article 35A. 370 is a much tougher thing and would need more political will.
My understanding it was in cause list of feb last week or march 1st week cases anyway must warn u its gonna explode rest we can talk or related thread u started
my take on the 2nd pilot...

What we know: ISPR guy said that the 2nd pilot had been taken to the hospital. Imran Khan also mentioned two pilots in his speech. ISPR later said that Pakistan only has one pilot in captivity. Few days later, in Kamran Khan show, ISPR guy again mentioned the 2nd pilot and said he had died.

Four possible explanations:
1. Mistake
: Only one pilot was captured. But, somehow, the information which was forwarded to the higher command was that two pilots were captured.
This explanation could have been possible but there is a problem. ISPR mentioned that the 2nd pilot was taken to the hospital. It is somewhat easy to imagine that 'one pilot' became 'two pilots' when the information was being forwarded. But it is very difficult to imagine that the person who made this mistake also added extra information saying that the '2nd pilot' had been taken to the CMH.
2. Our own pilot: If (1) is not true... then maybe the 2nd pilot was our own pilot.
There is a serious problem with this explanation. If our own plane was indeed shot down then the PAF would know this and they would be looking for the 2nd pilot. It is almost impossible to imagine that PAF would have confused their own pilot with the IAF pilot when they already knew that their pilot was missing. Moreover, ISPR guy had mentioned that no F-16 had been shot down. This means that ISPR was in touch with the PAF and did verify if the Indian claim was true or not. If PAF was looking for a missing pilot, ISPR would have known this. There was no reason to mention the 2nd pilot when the 2nd pilot was our own.
3. Israeli pilot: The 2nd pilot was an Israeli pilot.
Some media persons have mentioned that this is indeed the case. This may answer several questions. For example, why did ISPR go back on its original claim? why did ISPR not share details of this 2nd pilot?
But why would an Israeli pilot take part in a mission against PAF after PAF made a warning attack on Indian army installations? IAF response was not pre-planned. An Israeli pilot would only take part in such an operation if he has a prior approval for any such eventuality. It is too much to swallow that Israel would intentionally take part in dogfight like operations in the subcontinent. It is too much of a risk for no good reason.
4. Indian pilot: If (1), (2) and (3) are not true... then the 2nd pilot was an IAF pilot.
But if this is the case then why did ISPR change its stand after few hours? One reason could be that the 2nd pilot died. Pakistan decided against making this information public as this would have escalated the crisis. There is some support for this explanation. ISPR guy recently mentioned in Kamran Khan show that the 2nd pilot had died.

I think that (4) is more likely to be true. (1) and (2) requires too many lapses in how information is forwarded to the higher command. Many of such lapses would involve hallucination. (3) is not worth it from Isreal's perspective.
3. Israeli pilot: The 2nd pilot was an Israeli pilot.
Some media persons have mentioned that this is indeed the case. This may answer several questions. For example, why did ISPR go back on its original claim? why did ISPR not share details of this 2nd pilot?
But why would an Israeli pilot take part in a mission against PAF after PAF made a warning attack on Indian army installations? IAF response was not pre-planned. An Israeli pilot would only take part in such an operation if he has a prior approval for any such eventuality. It is too much to swallow that Israel would intentionally take part in dogfight like operations in the subcontinent. It is too much of a risk for no good reason.

Second pilot was Sikh a pilot of SU-30, his co pilot / navigator fell in IOK.

Pilot died in CMH while on the other hand India also wants to avoid humiliation and denied second jet shoot down, Pakistan get the opportunity and also change the statement.
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