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27% of Muslims are very militant: Donald Trump


Sep 20, 2014
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Republican presidential front- runner Donald Trump on Sunday claimed that more than one-fourths of the Muslims are “very militant”, in latest controversial statements adding to his anti-Muslim rhetoric.”It’s (militant Muslims) 27%, could be 35%, would go to war, the hatred is tremendous,” Trump told the Fox News Sunday when asked not more than 100,000 of the 1.6 billion Muslims are fighting jihadist causes.

“You’re saying that out of 1.5 billion, 100,000, let me tell you, whoever did that survey was about as wrong as you can get,” Trump said. “Why don’t you take a look at the Pew poll that came out very recently or fairly recently, where I think the number…it’s something like 27 % are really very militant about going after things

“And you’ll have to look at it. They did a very strong study. Let’s see what it says. But it’s a very significant number. It’s not 100,000 people, I can tell you that. It’s a ridiculous number,” he claimed.

The 69-year-old reality show star and billionaire has continued with his anti-Muslim rhetoric, stoking controversies one after another and drawing flak from the world over including his party rivals. Today’s remarks come days after he said he thinks “Islam hates us” and asserted that those having hatred against the US cannot be allowed to enter the country.

He made headlines in December when he called for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the US “until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on”. In his remarks today, he said “It would be easier for me to say, “Oh, no, everybody loves us.” But there’s something going on. There’s a big problem. And radical Islamic terrorism is taking place all over the world.”

“You look at what happened in Paris, you look at what happened in California recently with the 14 people killed by co-workers, by people where they gave ’em baby showers and then they walk in and they kill ’em, they shoot ’em. They had no guns, they had no weapons. They had no nothing. They shot them. They killed them all,” he argued.

Trump said that he has heard the figure of 20,000 to 30,000 troops needed to defeat ISIS in the Middle East. “But now, you have people chopping off heads, you have people drowning 40 and 50 people in steel cages at a time, and now, we have to do something. The reason we have to do it is because of the power of weaponry. They’re looking to get weapons, and they’re looking to acquire weapons that are going to be very, very horrible for our country if they ever do it,” Trump said.

27% of Muslims very militant: Donald Trump - IBNLive
Now, Donald Trump claims 27% of Muslims ‘very militant’ - Times of India
27% of Muslims are very militant: Donald Trump
100% of Donald Trump is an imbecile!!
I'm tired of his stupid ways of getting attention.
Nothing more than a silly, imprudent person.
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“Islam hates us”

I don't get it. Islam was founded 1400 years ago. There was no America back then. Islam is not a person or country. Perhaps he could be more specific(?) And now he saying 27% of Muslims are militant? What is that? Daesh already have a lot of weapons, otherwise how did they make it to news headlines for the past many months? Again, what weapons is he talking about?

Yes I do acknowledge that there is a problem of Muslim extremists, particularly in the Middle East. I was told that monsters, ghosts and ghouls aren't real by my parents. They lied.

Trump is not racist, he is misinformed.
Trump is no different then others he is just being targeted becasue he does not like being controlled , when knowing the Top positions only comes when being controlled is accepted

His ideas are same as other candidates
35% of the rich don't get cancer, they die of old age and have their brains frozen for cryogenic research in hopes of being revived again. Its a YUGE conspiracy I tell you, Yuge!

Frozen Brain.....hmmmmn I should think about it then; otherwise the world will be devoid of my Greatness if my mortal body perishes ! :undecided:
Whatever you say Trump captures people's imaginations and fears. He was true when he said muslims celebrated 9/11 for example. Many people have hardline views, even in India, such as his. They want or don't care if militants' families get attacked(war-crime notwithstanding), especially if it acts as a deterrent.
The level of butthurt Trump is creating is quite enjoyable.

Can't wait for him to go one on one with Hillary after these primary shenanigans.
The level of butthurt Trump is creating is quite enjoyable.

Can't wait for him to go one on one with Hillary after these primary shenanigans.

All the butthurt from US mainstream media is because he's inspiring White christians to rise up and take the throne back from the Jews. Mainstream media could care less about Muslims, Mexicans or Blacks, they are worried for their establishment. It's gonna be funny seeing you guys suddenly become anti-Trump when you realize that. :lol:

When Trump says 'we're going to take our country back', he means something by that. Try figuring it out, bud. Muslims are naive people that don't understand what this political struggle is about.
All the butthurt from US mainstream media is because he's inspiring White christians to rise up and take the throne back from the Jews. Mainstream media could care less about Muslims, Mexicans or Blacks, they are worried for their establishment. It's gonna be funny seeing you guys suddenly become anti-Trump when you realize that. :lol:

When Trump says 'we're going to take our country back', he means something by that. Try figuring it out, bud. Muslims are naive people that don't understand what this political struggle is about.

You are uninformed,trump's son-in law is jewish and openly pro israel.Trumps daughter converted to judaism.This is not a anti-jewish matter at all.
What? Did trump did a personal survey of all the Muslims in this world to give this "character" certificate? :lol: :rofl:
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