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26/11 plotter David Headley battling for life after attack in US prison

Apparently he was attacked because of his role in terror activities and acting as double agent but need to wait more for investigation.
Do you know Life in prison as it is in America?

These Orgasmic articles which Portray Pakistan as terror funding Paradise and rogue Army Mantra does count.

He used US and Pakistan for his own gain when it suited him. When caught he ratted out the Pakistani connection in 26/11 for reduce sentence. Too bad he played his cards wrong.
They say karma is a bitch.
Small victories for the poor rapist slum dog nation brings great joy as they can avoid their unfortunate realities.
He used US and Pakistan for his own gain when it suited him. When caught he ratted out the Pakistani connection in 26/11 for reduce sentence. Too bad he played his cards wrong.
They say karma is a bitch.

What else can you cook up on this?
Lols he is CIA, DEA agent who helped Indian agencies to stage an attack to blackmail Pakistan and I think he served the purpose...now became useless so the wiped him out....or probably sent to somewhere with new name and I.D.
What else can you cook up on this?

I don't have to cook up stuff. You guys are the master race in cooking up conspiracies.
Here is the sample....:woot:

Lols he is CIA, DEA agent who helped Indian agencies to stage an attack to blackmail Pakistan and I think he served the purpose...now became useless so the wiped him out....or probably sent to somewhere with new name and I.D.
Search his history, you got to know for whom he is working.

During his interrogation, Headley gave up information on LeT, al-Qaeda, the ISI, and various terror plots and methods. Supervised by federal agents, he helped set up a trap against a militant in Germany and attempted to lure Sajid Mir out of Pakistan. Despite this, Headley, along with Rana, was charged in his involvement with Kashmiri's plot against Jyllands-Posten. Headley was accused of traveling to Denmark to scout the Jyllands-Posten office and a nearby synagogue. The FBI later additionally charged Headley of conspiring to bomb targets in the Mumbai attacks and providing material support to LeT.
Lols he is CIA, DEA agent who helped Indian agencies to stage an attack to blackmail Pakistan and I think he served the purpose...now became useless so the wiped him out....or probably sent to somewhere with new name and I.D.
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