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220m Pakistanis only want one thing: "Looted & Stolen money bring it back to Pakistan fast"


Nov 1, 2010
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United States
The only ever thing 220m Pakistanis want is: "Pakistan's Looted and Stolen money must bring it back now"

220 million Pakistanis are not interested in these Zardaris, Bhuttos, Raja Pervaiz Ashraf, Mulana Diesel, Gillani, Mushraff, Altafs Hussain, Nawaz Shariff, Sharif family, Army generals, Bureaucrats can go run to any country they want, they can fck off to any foreign country, but what Pakistanis want is "bring back looted stolen money and assets bring back to Pakistan."

Put them all in jails, do what ever, just bring our stolen money back in to Pakistan.

These men and women no matter what they want, pardon, begging for NRO, not well, dying, want to go England, Dubai, US but Pakistanis only interested bringing back their looted money back to Pakistan. Just kick them out of country but bring their looted wealth back into Pakistan.

Almost every Pakistani overseas, out of country, living inside the country need their money back into Pakistan.

Our Patience of 70 years has finished!
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Whatever we do, just bring back Pakistan's stolen money back into Pakistan and invest into 220 million Pakistan's welfare. A poor country cannot afford these criminals.

Bring the money back into Pakistan.

No point in putting these looters in jails when the looted, stolen money is not brought back from every inch of this earth looted from Pakistan.
Whatever we do, just bring back Pakistan's stolen money back into Pakistan and invest into 220 million Pakistan's welfare. A poor country cannot afford these criminals.

Bring the money back into Pakistan.

No point in put these looters in jails when the looted, stolen money is not brought back from every inch of this earth looted from Pakistan, back into Pakistan.
100% agree with you, we dont need them in jail like zoo, we need money back in Pakistan.
Including Generals, Majors, etc etc, all. Our survival due to economic situation is serious.
lol.. a big loool..- From when our armed forces started to take economic situation serious? They need plots, banglas and perks. And a big share in politics also.
lol.. a big loool..- From when our armed forces started to take economic situation serious? They need plots, banglas and perks. And a big share in politics also.
What officers and generals are these that you speak of?

There weren't any military men in the Panama list.

Corruption does exist in the armed forces (like anywhere else) but its overblown in proportion compared to what civilians have habitually been doing.
What officers and generals are these that you speak of?

There weren't any military men in the Panama list.

Corruption does exist in the armed forces (like anywhere else) but its overblown in proportion compared to what civilians have habitually been doing.
lol.. a big loool..- From when our armed forces started to take economic situation serious? They need plots, banglas and perks. And a big share in politics also.

Pakistan is near default, bankrupt, what are we gonna do with an Army enjoying like Soviet, when Soviet broken up from inside, the same Pakistan country is going into default due to economic crisis.
Pakistan is near default, bankrupt, what are we gonna do with an Army enjoying like Soviet, when Soviet broken up from inside, the same Pakistan country is going into default due to economic crisis.

Pakistan is headed to default, that is far nearer than any Pakistani can imagine.
Like in 2013? or like when our DG ISI and COAS used same words in Abbotabad commission and flew from this country?
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