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2013 Protests in Turkey

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So not much more news around this. I assume things are calming down?

Btw my mom and dad are currently on vacation in Alanya. Is it safe there?

Yes safe and probably among thousands of other Iranians :D

Its a bit calmer these days but things are getting interesting with the BDP calling for protests and the PKK fighting and abducting people again.
Guys you know what. I was naive to believe in a peace process with the Turks.]

my 2 cents

The people of North Kurdistan

There is no such place


Peshta tu bi kurdi tev zaroken xwe denge u bifikere. Pashe ji were minre dengke hevalo. Ew kiseyen te besherm u beiman ji ber min nabe kesiyen mirovahi. Ma gelo tu MIT e tu hatiye u hemi mirov dikeye esraresh?

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Not safe for your mom as its now touristic season many Russian beauties are there in Alanya :D

We go there every summer, we have apartment there. :)
But this time they had to go without me, because I have to work entire July and August. :/

Turkey is my favourite destination for vacation. Food and fruit etc is the same as Iran , but at least in Turkey I can also bang hot European chicks. :D
They are really slutty when they go to Turkey, why is that? lol
We go there every summer, we have apartment there. :)
But this time they had to go without me, because I have to work entire July and August. :/

Turkey is my favourite destination for vacation. Food and fruit etc is the same as Iran , but at least in Turkey I can also bang hot European chicks. :D
They are really slutty when they go to Turkey, why is that? lol

Hot weather makes their treasure jiggle bro if you know what i mean :D
All members, don't go off topic again and respect each other while discussing sth. If want to discuss the Lice-PKK Issue. Just open a thread. And do it there.
All members, don't go off topic again and respect each other while discussing sth. If want to discuss the Lice-PKK Issue. Just open a thread. And do it there.

Where were you when i said that to the op WHO draged that issue in this thread:

post number #2

you (Awesome) are mixing ''protest'' to support terrorism with protest for democracy... please re-consider what this thread will cause.

post number #4

all i try to say is that you have to draw a line between terrorism-centered actions and democracy-centered ones; protests are in democracy but terrorism is not, as such you cannot see it as a democratic action; also there are many types of protests; should we count the illegal ones that contains killing other people as legitimate protest? for example; if some one kills a mayor and says i did it to protest something, how should we see it? a protest or criminal action?

here is an example of those terrorist supporter ''protests':

Two given life sentences for Molotov cocktail attack that killed teen

The terror centered gathering cannot be seen as protest; otherwise you legalize terrorism by saying it is a part of democracy. it is at best seen ironic.

btw, all of the gatherings of those terror supporters contain molotov cocktails; and they throw them at the public buses full of people as happened in the link or other places full of people. so They do not protest anything, they just use that democratic right as cover to kill people.
The Gezi Park protests are not supporting terrorism (that's what the thread is about), you brainwashed moron.
More than Enough off-topic. This is not the place where you can discuss the PKK-Lice issue or any other one. Not to mention some members disrespectful posts. Thread closed.
in every country and city there are some famous points in which people gather; if you avoid those places, nothing happens to you; at the moment the protests hardly takes places in Turkey.

Isn't Taksim in Istanbul where protests are going on and a lot of tourists want to visit Taksim?

Protesters always like tourist areas too.
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