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2 U.S. carriers deployed

China's backyard don't mean much. Just like U.S. was in Soviet Union's backyard.

You mean your spy planes and the Impeccables are still loiter around China's coast? That's news to me.

@ Gambot

Sure, it's easy to boast when no one can disprove you.

@ anon45

Like I said before it's intentional intimidation and there's nothing subtle about it. Yawn. But then there's nothing new either by the bullying tactics the US uses on China.

I tell you though, this tactic already hurt the Philippines and it'll hurt Japan too if Japan is stupid enough to believe Uncle Sam'll back it up with actions.
it'll hurt Japan too if Japan is stupid enough to believe Uncle Sam'll back it up with actions.
You clearly do not understand that the US takes its legal obligations seriously. I know it is hard to understand in China where contracts are for toilet papers and everybody tries to cheat on everybody else, but when Americans have an outstanding legal obligation, they honor it.
you never know, maybe without USA, Japanese's fate is like our Manchurians brothers...be merge with China, remember this we chinese are the Borg of star trek...any resitance is futile.

the first wave of integration (warren states people + Nan Yue...)---> we call ourself HAN:azn:
the Second wave of integration (Manchurian, Mongolian + other ethnics---> We call ourself Chineses :lol:
The third wave of integration (include Japanese + Korean + Vietnam) --->that super duper Chineses :rofl:...beside politic and mental piss contest we have culture affinity each other, we all warshop our ancestor and eat with chopstick :woot:

it will more likely be third wave of integration as Super Duper Japanese.!!

though i wonder why Chinese prevented it last time when Japanese came. or else the integration would have already happened much earlier by now.!!
You mean your spy planes and the Impeccables are still loiter around China's coast? That's news to me.

@ Gambot

Sure, it's easy to boast when no one can disprove you.

Oh yeah. If you don't know its no surprise. Silent Service isn't just a motto for fun.
You clearly do not understand that the US takes its legal obligations seriously. I know it is hard to understand in China where contracts are for toilet papers and everybody tries to cheat on everybody else, but when Americans have an outstanding legal obligation, they honor it.

Yeah right, I heard that crap too many times. If the Americans are so honorable why they need so many lawyers around, huh? Lawyers indeed make tons of money, comparatively better than most country in the world. You ever hear people get killed fighting for a quarter on the sidewalks?

Yeah right, I heard that crap too many times. If the Americans are so honorable why they need so many lawyers around, huh? Lawyers indeed make tons of money, comparatively better than most country in the world. You ever hear people get killed fighting for a quarter on the sidewalks?

Don't compare lawyers on a civil disputes to a treaty. I've seen other countries violating more treaties compare to U.S.
Don't compare lawyers on a civil disputes to a treaty. I've seen other countries violating more treaties compare to U.S.

You're still young so wait till you get older you'll find out that you're human, after all. :azn:
You're still young so wait till you get older you'll find out that you're human, after all. :azn:

You are so young you don't even know about U.S. still does what near China and act like its news to you. No surprise there.:meeting:
Poor Chinese....gotta act like carriers aint no thing...while at the same time playing up that they got one....
it will more likely be third wave of integration as Super Duper Japanese.!!

though i wonder why Chinese prevented it last time when Japanese came. or else the integration would have already happened much earlier by now.!!

Japanese already embedded with 90% of chinese culture during Tang dynasty from eat to sh1t...if not because their bad traitement of Chinese people during 19 century to WW2, we certainly would support them against Americans or other foreign powers in China...Japaneses have proven to be selfish and useless integrator of the civilisation.
The Stennis is hanging around the area longer than it has to if it was just passing through. Make no mistake, there is a subtle warning in it.
:rofl: And there's a subtle middle finger for you in the way our ships keep invading "Japanese" territorial waters
Poor Chinese....gotta act like carriers aint no thing...while at the same time playing up that they got one....

How poor can we be without losing nothing??? we chinese don't play the same style of game as Soviet Union as Tilt for Tat to anger Americans but secretly eat American free lunch...from a poor nation process into world second economic power, from the defenseless military budget is the second in the world.

Yeah right, I heard that crap too many times. If the Americans are so honorable why they need so many lawyers around, huh? Lawyers indeed make tons of money, comparatively better than most country in the world. You ever hear people get killed fighting for a quarter on the sidewalks?
The highlighted shows how little you understand civilized societies.

In the old days, we settle disputes by fighting, killing each other, and eventually have blood feuds that lasts for generations. Then we became more 'civilized' by having duels, such as...

The Burr–Hamilton duel was a duel between two prominent American politicians, the former Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton and sitting Vice President Aaron Burr, on July 11, 1804.
So if a couple of prominent American politicians duked it out, you can easily imagined how often duels occurred in the 'Old World', from blades to pistols, such as 'pistols at twenty paces at dawn' were many challenges. Then duels became more civilized with about drawing 'first blood' instead of killing one's opponent. From the 'Old World' to the 'New World', literally tens of thousands of duels occurred to settle anything from debts to slights of honor.

So how would you prefer to settle disputes? Swords? Bullets? Or papers? Which society would you prefer to live under?

Get a clue...
@ Gambot

Sure, it's easy to boast when no one can disprove you.
No boasting here.

US submarine docks at Subic - The Philippine Star » News » Headlines
MANILA, Philippines - A nuclear-powered attack submarine of the United States Navy arrived yesterday for a port call in Subic Bay, Zambales amid tension between the Philippines and China over Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal.

Not only Subic Bay were frequented by US subs, so was the deep water Cam Ranh Bay of Viet Nam during the Vietnam War.

How much of China's waters does the US Navy know?

On the China Patrol
The highlighted shows how little you understand civilized societies.

In the old days, we settle disputes by fighting, killing each other, and eventually have blood feuds that lasts for generations. Then we became more 'civilized' by having duels, such as...


So if a couple of prominent American politicians duked it out, you can easily imagined how often duels occurred in the 'Old World', from blades to pistols, such as 'pistols at twenty paces at dawn' were many challenges. Then duels became more civilized with about drawing 'first blood' instead of killing one's opponent. From the 'Old World' to the 'New World', literally tens of thousands of duels occurred to settle anything from debts to slights of honor.

So how would you prefer to settle disputes? Swords? Bullets? Or papers? Which society would you prefer to live under?

Get a clue...

Oh we 'uncivilized' Confucian society do nothing of sort, we merely sit down and iron out, sometimes heatedly, whatever large and small problems we have. We don't like to solve disputes through governmental authorities either, so more often than not, the arbitrary words of village elders are treated as gospels.

According to your well thought out and educational narrative, from the old world to the new world, it tells me nothing about my original comment on : "Americans have an outstanding legal obligation, they honor it" and in fact what it does is giving me a contrary understanding that the 'civilize' Americans seek every opportunity to break a legal obligation.

@ #44

Aren't we getting old now old buddy and have to rely on prewar data to justify the US Navy patrolling Chinese water. Or using a submarine parking on Subic Bay as 'lurking on' another Chinese submarine.
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