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2 Policemen killed in Gilgit-Baltistan.

Does this thread deserves any merit.....forget the area, just because it happens in Pakistan, does it automatically qualify as a terrorist incident.....damn we must be missing the holy cow keeping an eye over us. !!
Acc.to Pamir times one of the deceased is a DSP.

Gilgit ambush kills two policemen, injures three
By Shabbir Mir Published: March 29, 2013

GILGIT: Unknown armed men ambushed a police patrol killing two officials, including a Deputy Superintendent (DSP), while injuring three others in a remote valley of Gilgit – Baltistan [G-B] late on Thursday night.
The law enforcers came under attack as they were making their routine rounds around 11 pm in district Diamer’s Tangir valley, about 250 kilometers from Gilgit.
“Deputy Superintendent Police [DSP] Attaullah and Haleem have been killed in the attack,” said Ali Sher, the deputy inspector general police on Friday.
No one had claimed responsibility for the attack till this report was filed.
“We have launched an investigation into the incident but nothing can be said with surety at this stage,” Sher said. He confirmed that the injured policemen were now stable.
Gilgit is simmering... FATA is a mess, Pakhtunkhwa under siege. Karachi killings a daily occurence, Balochistan we all know what happens there and now not one person is safe in Pakistan. Maybe if we spent less time running after innocents and focusing on the real threat we wouldn't be here.

I mean even an idiot can see if the CID runs after person A who has dedicated his life to the service of Pakistan instead of person B who has been killing innocent Pakistanis left and right you know where the problem lies. Malik Ishaq is free, Ludhianvi is free. Yet person A is by magic a threat. Wait, maybe America told them so... now he is a bigger threat.

I want to beg those in power, please stop this. I myself will personally aid you in the fight against terror if you give me the chance. I am already planning to write a report on how to eliminate the Taliban's top leadership but atleast fix your priorities. Atleast focus on the right people, atleast find those godamn terrorists and stake them instead of running after innocents.

What the police and agencies are doing right now people will obviously draw the conclusion that these institutions run after innocents but do nothing against the top terrorists in the country. It is my humble request that Pakistan start looking after its own interests without any foreign pressure or influence. Chilas attack is nothing new. Its the same group involved and not one person has been arrested for those brutal attacks on shias.
This may be the work of local criminals and such things happen in Islamabad too ... No need for you to highlight this issue .. In Indian Occupied Kashmir, Policemen are attacked by Mujahideen for a cause ... Don't compare that with what happens in Azad Kashmir ...
Well, looks like freedom fighters struck on the other side this time :) .. And as @Awesome says, all uniformed men in a disputed area (G&B is a disputed area by the same UNSC resolution that defines J&K and AK as disputed regions) are fair game

Looks like this time its Indian members' turn to clap and appreciate the Kashmiri freedom fighters :azn:
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Well, looks like freedom fighters struck on the other side this time :) .. And as @Awesome says, all uniformed men in a disputed area (G&B is a disputed area by the same UNSC resolution that defines J&K and AK as disputed regions) are fair game

Looks like this time its Indian members' turn to clap and appreciate the Kashmiri freedom fighters :azn:

Just so you know, there isn't any freedom movement going on in GB or AK on the same scale as in IOK.

Those Northern Areas have been very very peaceful areas traditionally, but since a couple of years, sectarian violence has been growing there and most cases were of Shias being killed in CHillas area of Gilgit.

Some others have been cases of target killings on Shias or due to some other dispute. There is no freedom movement in GB to talk of...
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Just so you know, there isn't any freedom movement going on in GB or AK on the same scale as in IOK.

Those Northern Areas have been very very peaceful areas traditionally, but since a couple of years, sectarian violence has been growing there and most cases were of Shias being killed in CHillas area of Gilgit.

Some others have been cases of target killings on Shias or due to some other dispute. There is no freedom movement in GB to talk of...

Not only there but also in some part of pakistan too ...
Hmm,so militants are present in Pak-Kashmir too.

But unlike indian occupied Kashmir, Azad Kashmiri and by extension other federally administered northern areas see no massive uprising and resistance from the people

They proudly can call themselves as Pakistani or Kashmiri or just Muslim whereas on both sides of LoC "Indian" is considered insult
Just so you know, there isn't any freedom movement going on in GB or AK on the same scale as in IOK.

Those Northern Areas have been very very peaceful areas traditionally, but since a couple of years, sectarian violence has been growing there and most cases were of Shias being killed in CHillas area of Gilgit.

Some others have been cases of target killings on Shias or due to some other dispute. There is no freedom movement in GB to talk of...

Don't always fall for the party line.. A more independent view is always better.. Here's what the EU parliament said about the region

18. Regrets, however, that Pakistan has consistently failed to fulfil its obligations to introduce meaningful and representative democratic structures in AJK; notes in particular the continuing absence of Kashmiri representation in the Pakistan National Assembly, the fact that AJK is governed through the Ministry of Kashmir Affairs in Islamabad, that Pakistan officials dominate the Kashmir Council and that the Chief Secretary, the Inspector-General of Police, the Accountant-General and the Finance Secretary are all from Pakistan; disapproves of the provision in the 1974 Interim Constitution which forbids any political activity that is not in accordance with the doctrine of Jammu and Kashmir as part of Pakistan and obliges any candidate for a parliamentary seat in AJK to sign a declaration of loyalty to that effect;

is concerned that the Gilgit-Baltistan region enjoys no form of democratic representation whatsoever; furthermore, draws attention to the fact that the Government of Pakistan's 1961 Jammu and Kashmir (Administration of Property) Ordinance transferred the land controlled by Pakistan and which belonged to the State of Jammu and Kashmir on 15 August 1947 to the Federal Government;

19. Very much regrets the continuing ambivalence of the current Government of Pakistan with regard to the ethnic identity of Gilgit and Baltistan, whereby statements made by the President are contradicted by official government communications; strongly recommends that the Government of Pakistan endorse and implement the judgment of the Supreme Court of Pakistan of 28 May 1999 which validates the Kashmiri heritage of the people of Gilgit and Baltistan and states that the Government should implement their fundamental human rights, democratic freedoms and access to justice;

20. Recognises that Pakistan finds itself in a particularly complex situation with pressure from many sources; nevertheless:
– deeply regrets that the lack of a sufficient political will to address basic needs provision, political participation and the rule of law in AJK has left women there in a desperate situation following the earthquake;
– recalls the signature of the EC-Pakistan 3rd Generation Cooperation Agreement in 2001, Article 1 of which includes respect for human rights and democratic principles as an essential element, and urges the EU to play its part in upholding those principles when implementing the Agreement; is particularly concerned, therefore, that the people of Gilgit and Baltistan are under the direct rule of the military and enjoy no democracy;
– notes the approval of the Protection of Women Bill to reform the Sharia-based Hudood decrees on adultery and rape as a positive step in ensuring better protection of women's rights in Pakistan, and appreciates the commitment shown by President Musharraf and reformist parliamentarians in pursuing these amendments despite attempts to derail them; stresses, however, that it is pre-eminently clear that Pakistan needs to do more to live up to its commitments in the human rights field;
– remains concerned about the difficult situation faced by all minorities throughout the region;

21. Urges Pakistan to revisit its concept of democratic accountability and minority and women's rights in AJK, which, as elsewhere, are key to improving conditions for the people and tackling the menace of terrorism;

22. Expresses concern regarding the lack of freedom of expression in AJK and reports of torture and mistreatment, of discrimination against refugees from Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir and of corruption amongst government officials, and calls on the Pakistani Government to ensure that the people of AJK can exercise their fundamental civil and political rights in an environment free from coercion and fear;

23. Further calls on Pakistan to ensure free and fair elections in AJK, considering that the general elections of 11 July 2006 were characterised by fraud and vote rigging on a massive scale, and that any candidate who refused to uphold the position of the accession of Kashmir to Pakistan was barred from running; also calls on Pakistan to hold elections for the first time in Gilgit and Baltistan;

But unlike indian occupied Kashmir, Azad Kashmiri and by extension other federally administered northern areas see no massive uprising and resistance from the people

They proudly can call themselves as Pakistani or Kashmiri or just Muslim whereas on both sides of LoC "Indian" is considered insult

As I said, dont always believe the party line. Keeping Kashmir simmering seems to be catering to the political interests on both sides of the border. Else, 95% of Kashmiris on both side just want to move on.. Its the balance 5% who can not see and hence evade the Monkey trap that are keeping the fire burning on both sides.. But really, its a Meh today...
Well, looks like freedom fighters struck on the other side this time :) ..

I can understand your situation. Trying to settle scores. But at least be clear and know the ground realities and the actual situation before settling scores or else you start appearing what you always appear to be. :)

The attack was most probably conducted by TTP(or its sister organization) and we all know TTP like Maoists are not "freedom fighters or separatists".

Looks like this time its Indian members' turn to clap and appreciate the Kashmiri freedom fighters

Since you are clapping out of ignorance and with no relation to actual situation you or other Indian members would appear like this.

I can understand your situation. Trying to settle scores. But at least be clear and know the ground realities and the actual situation before settling scores or else you start appearing what you always appear to be. :)

The attack was most probably conducted by TTP(or its sister organization) and we all know TTP like Maoists are not "freedom fighters or separatists".

The use of Most probably actually betrays your lack of conviction in your own argument which moves from the realm of debate to wishful thinking.. The interesting part is that you are wishing for this attack being a handiwork of TTP which is the biggest threat to Pakistan today, just so that you can score a point on Kashmir.. Kind of like cutting off your own nose to spite the face. :azn:

Well, whatever floats your boat..

Since you are clapping out of ignorance and with no relation to actual situation you or other Indian members would appear like this.


As my dear banned friend Karan always says
"Personal attacks are the last refuge of the incompetent" :azn:

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