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2 Pakistanis stabbed near Greek anti-racist demo: Police

Ḥashshāshīn;3434870 said:
I know mate, it's a shame that we fight. In UK, Indians and Pakistanis are fighting, Indians join in anti-Islam demos and vice versa. We should stick together in outside countries.

In UK its the clever tactics if EDL.
They say they are not against migrants they are against muslims.
For that reason indians,sikhs 'think' EDL is their friend.
I was in Czech republic during that time those people celebrated racist day warnings were issued to us before , so we simply stayed at our apartment. I think those Pakistani's ignored those warnings and met that fate.
Greece is already breaking up and in the poor shape then why they allow immigrants pakistanis??

They should sent back all to keep off their burden. :angel:

There is no need to hit the wall.

This thread is about pakistan and they have never given aid to anyone ever its the other way round.

I actually like news coming from australia more, any news from that front, is India sending them "aids" too


This planet has started to suck big time! :tdown:

you know what the wise men of the old times said, when India start giving aid to Greece (or giving aid to anyone), world will end
I actually like news coming from australia more, any news from that front, is India sending them "aids" too

you know what the wise men of the old times said, when India start giving aid to Greece (or giving aid to anyone), world will end

India's giving aid right from 1950's so your BS is just what it is.....BS.
Racist scum!

In UK its the clever tactics if EDL.
They say they are not against migrants they are against muslims.
For that reason indians,sikhs 'think' EDL is their friend.

Please do not tell lies, EDL is no friend of Hindus or Sikhs in UK
Presently Australians are your biggest lovers, stinky..

I don't even have to use some Adjective to derogate you if you know what i mean . :pakistan: .

Henceforth while having a civil discussion on a public forum try to get out of your Pathetic rant . It ain't gonna take you anywhere


Since they were "Immigrants" as mentioned in Article . Pakistan should call Greek Ambassador and protest against these attacks and ask for assurance that they will everything in their power to make sure such incidents are not repeated again
You think they figured out that they were Pakistani's? don't think so, looks to me more like an attack on outsiders or brown skinned people. And, in the end of the day how does it matter? it's racism and can happen to anybody btw Indians and Pakistani's do get along very well outside the subcontinent and most probably both communities in Greece would be equally pissed at this.

Unfortunate event for Pakistanis.

But you are wrong. Go check out some of the PDF threads where Indians got attacked by Australians or Ukrainians. These Pakistanis were making ret*rded comments like how they never get attacked like Indians in Western countries because they look like White people or are the martial fighter race that no one wants to pick fights with. One poster even went as far as saying that Pakistanis have Greek/Italian features which makes them look like White people, and so they don't get discriminated by "fellow" white people in Western countries, Oh the Irony!
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