Ever heard of ABM? And the small number of delivery systems there are in Pakistan? Allegedly disasembled? Not even sure if the missiles have the range to threaten anyone but India.
Good for you if Pakistan doesn't have range to threaten USA and any other country you are considering but think who is that which wants to nuke here? I never said Pakistan would nuke you or your country neither I have frustration you keep.
I like how you play innocent and blame me for Islamophobia. Below is your quote.
Mashallah. Russia will also appear as a new Islamic State and in few decade Europe. Light is spreading even though media has done its most to defame Islam.
Whats wrong with this post? Mashallah means "May Allah bless this act" and rest is plain English. Which part hurts your neck? When Europe is turning Muslim, they are choosing by choice and by free-will. You should appreciate that Islam is spreading and busting all the myths of "more children", "migration" and "spreading by sword" theories you have been poisoned with. What is your point of pain here?
Your ilk needs to be suppressed because it's a threat to humanity and civilization itself. It's simple. One just has to look at all the stan's.....
Sure, if something is threat to humanity, it should be stopped from spreading and here we can see who is threatening. If you find problem in Islam or Sharia, I had told you to point it but you are only filled with opposition without even knowing what you are opposing. I had challanged you to convert me by providing Sharia or Principles of Islam as wrong and I will be happy to live that life which you want everybody to live. But you failed to mention even one. Do you see where is the problem?
Not to mention you're just peddling unsubstantiated BS, disproved a number of times. An over zealous Muslim, like so many before.
Disapproved by who? Here in the very forum we are finding thousands of non-Muslims embracing Islam and you know and identify that Islam is on the rise.
If Islam was disapproved, why are people embracing it at such a rate in all corners of the world?
Yup, prosperity, you said it correctly. It must be the lack of prosperity that has kept you in Australia lol.
Let me show you the mirror here.
- Population of Australia ~ 23 Millions.
- Percentage of Immigrants = 24% of total population
- Out of top 25 countries where immigrants come only 1 country is Muslim and rest of Christians, Buddhist or Hindu.
If you put in terms of Prosperity, we see who is lacking prosperity as majority of immigrants are coming from Christians countries. Feeling ashamed on your nonsense yet?
Think of it from another angle. If all countries would be Muslim, where would you be working as an immigrant then?
If all countries were Muslim following Sharia, there would be no immigrants as in Islam, there is concept of Ummah and not boundaries or borders. But if I had opportunity to live and work, I would choose Saudi Arabia where 2,450 expats went and embraced Islam. Guess what, they were all non-Muslims gone to Saudi Arabia in search of work. What answer do you have for they being in a Muslim Country?
You know there's are reasons why many go to the "non prosperous" Christian countries. One of them is, their home country is so fucked up (hint Xyz-stan) and the natality is so high, that there simply aren't enough jobs for newcomers to the labor market.
True but it is not f*ed up being a Muslim country. Your United States is on the verge of collapse and total debts are exceeding the total monitory value it owns... but whatever is pulling USA down is the same which is disturbing our economy. Once this 'prospering' country leaves Afghanistan, our country will get back. But you are only trying to spread noise with such arguments as you just want to oppose for the sake of it, even if it doesn't have anything to do with Islam. Such a shining star you are!
If we then extrapolate the "skillful" leadership that Muslim countries have, well, to put it simply, you'd destroy everything in 2 decades if Islam ever became the prevalent religion around the better developed parts of the world.
You are missing one simple fact that ISLAM IS SPREADING in those better parts of the world. Its not
"IF" thing anymore and it
"IS" happening. But I don't see Russia destroying which has 15% Muslim population and it is expected to have that number rose up to 25% within a decade.
But let me analyze your condition here. You only have hatred and no arguments.. you even lack basic understanding of about Islam and you are hating it as if you knew it inside out. I challenged you to find problems with Islam and if you are logical, we all can leave Islam and convert to Scientology or Christianity or even Judaism if you would like but here we have a BIG IF. You are not prepared to do anything but show your inner insecurity and sheer hatred without having a reason for it.
Before I conclude, I am offering you that challenge again. Are you ready to hate Islam after knowing what you are hating? I will be happy to help you learn it first.
Are you ready?