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19th Bangladash army mutiny.


May 21, 2006
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I started this topic, just to focus on this subject of mutiny. Its 19th mutiny in BD army, if i am not wrong.But this mutiny was very well organized and shocking discovery is that BD military intelligence was totally unaware of this huge action. My question to Bangldesh members, how you see this incident, because number of news media pointing finger at India. How India can be involved and what India can gain through this incident. How come intelligence sources were totally unaware of this mass coupe?. Is this mutiny demoralize the BD army ?. After looking at videos and photo, it look like rebel soldiers been killing officers little longer then discovery of BD regular army, because they were dumping bodies in multiple places in a very organized way, which proves that someone was giving them proper instruction during this carnage.
Condolence to the families of fallen loyal soldiers of BD army.
My Full condolences to the Families and Friends of the Loyal Servicemen of Bangladesh Military who died in the Mutiny.

Can You Please Give me the Source which says this is the 19th Mutiny.

India has already Made Fun of this Tragic Incident by Claiming That ISI was Behind this Attack.
19 mutiny when you consider so many coups and counter coups in the small history of Bangladesh.

But don't term this as mutiny please.It is a conspiracy to systematically destroy our armed forces.We are getting evidences of external force.
But don't term this as mutiny please.It is a conspiracy to systematically destroy our armed forces.We are getting evidences of external force.

Can you please tell us more on this issue. Are you referring to Indian Report of ISI's Involvement, i hope NOT.
hehe nope.Rather the Indians made fools of themselves and made themselves into the list of suspects and possible instigators.Saqa Chowdhury struck back and the PM's recommended committee leader was removed by someone else.
But it could have been anyone from "external force" to smugglers/business orgs to political elements and perhaps there were some grievances.Serious ones.
Why don't you guys wait for an official statement from BD on who did this and why they did this instead of blaming India or Pakistan or BDR itself.
The tragedy of mutinies

Mahmud ur Rahman Choudhury

Since the independence of the country in 1971, many mutinies by the Army, Airforce, BDR and Ansar have taken place resulting in huge losses of lives, including those of two presidents - Bangabandhu and General Zia ur Rahman. A tally of how many mutinies have taken place and how many lives have been lost in those mutinies have never been kept but without doubt some of best, the bravest, the brightest and most worthy sons of the soil met their untimely deaths in these mutinies and in their aftermaths. I have spent 25 years in the Army and have lived with revolutions, revolts and mutinies half of that time. That does not in any way make me an expert on the subject but it does give me an insight or two into mutinies/revolts, as it equally does to soldiers of my and earlier generations.

Of revolutions, revolts and mutinies
Revolutions change histories of peoples, societies and nations as we have seen by the birth of Bangladesh but mutinies/revolts merely destroy. Once the destruction is done, individually and collectively, mutinies/revolts lose their steam unless suffused with overriding political or ideological intent, in which case mutinies/revolts are part of the greater social and political upheavals called revolutions. Sometimes revolutions degenerate into the aberrations of mutinies/revolts as we have seen in 1975-76.

The BDR mutiny of 25 and 26 February was perhaps the most destructive of its kind being solely moored on material aspects and entirely devoid of any greater social or political underpinnings. No wonder it was so destructive to human lives and property, in the 33 hours that it raged on. Final tallies are not in but apprehensions of the death of atleast 140 Army officers and their families are there alongwith injuries to many others; this is besides the "collateral damage" to civilian lives and property. The human tragedy of this mutiny in particular is incalculable and in many respects inconceivable.

The tragedy of the mutineers
Mutinies are by nature conspiratorial and by definition unlawful under the prevailing laws of the land and so, mutineers, by choice are out on a limb, desperate and brutal. Torn asunder from a life-time of psychological and physical conditioning, institutional, structural and environmental bindings, mutineers are devoid of most "human" feelings as we understand them. Mutiny, is foremost of the mind, the body follows later. To mutineers, every institution, every structure (even physical ones) and every representation of authority is a symbol of perceived oppression, whether real or not and the sole urge is therefore, to destroy through murder, rape, looting and burning.

The moment the mutiny is conceived, mutineers are outcasts - dead or alive - outside the pale of their families, friends, society, law and the Nation whose honour, dignity and independence they had sworn to defend but all of which they have defiled not by the act of mutiny/revolt but by the attendant acts of murder, rape, looting and arson - this is the tragedy of the mutineers but the greater tragedy is that of the victims.

The tragedy of the victims

The greatest tragedy of the victims is that they do not know why they are dying. Sworn to a life-time of absolute obedience, service and sacrifice, soldiers voluntarily choose a way of life whose very justification is extreme violence, organized by the State, for the State and of the State. It is therefore, only and only within the parameters of the "State" that violence is unleashed calling for the sacrifice of life. When lives are sacrificed or lost outside the parameters of the State, they become meaningless. Whether in peace or in war, in life, soldiers are just cogs in the vast machinery of the State, often ignored, often reviled; it is only in death that soldiers are heroes.

In mutinies/revolts, soldiers "outside the pale" target those other soldiers who represent the status quo, who are symbols of authority, initiating a chain of action-reaction which is predatory, brutal and merciless. The parameters of the State within which violence is supposed to be organized, do not hold good anymore and so the deaths become meaningless - that is the tragedy of the victims of mutinies/revolts.

Of institutions and structures
As has been mentioned above, mutinies occur because institutions and structures fail, in one way or the other, to fulfill the "perceived" psychological and physical needs of some, or atleast the most aware people who work and live, perhaps spending their entire lives within those institutions and structures. The BDR mutiny has not only destroyed lives, it has also destroyed the institution and structure of the BDR. While lives are irreplaceable, institutions and structures are not. So, an entire new structure of BDR has to be made and new institution-building started, if recurrences of such gruesome and tragic incidents are to be prevented.. Mere change or "reform" as the latest buzzword is, is not going to workout - that would be like pouring new wine in old bottles; the wine would ferment and burst asunder the bottles. That is something the AL government has to understand not just with the BDR but with all institutions and structures which are commonly referred to as "the armed forces". Of investigations into mutinies

Of investigations into mutinies
A high level investigation committee, headed by the Home Minister, has already been formed to investigate into the 25-26 February BDR mutiny. No doubt the investigation committee will go through the motions but whether they would actually be able to penetrate the fog of conspiracy which led to the mutiny, is quite another matter because uptill now, no investigation could ever get to the depth of the matter in the dozens of mutinies that took place in Bangladesh since 1975. True, many Army officers directly involved with some of those mutinies were prosecuted and some hanged but many of those mutinies still remained unresolved including the murder of Bongobondhu and the November 75 jail killings. Also, the investigation reports of past mutinies were never made public and so the "public" never really knew what happened although they were as much affected by those mutinies as anyone else. So, one doesn't hope for much from this investigation committee either.

If this investigation committee means business, it ought to concentrate on a number of issues. The first of these issues is: how did the government react during and after the mutiny? The second issue is why and how did all the intelligence agencies miss out on the early warnings, the so-called "battle indicators" of this mutiny. The third issue is the action and reaction of Army forces and other law-enforcing agencies. The last but equally important issue is the handling of the media and information out-flow to the public. (The investigation issue has been covered in detail in the editorial of 01 March of The Bangladesh Today).

There is no last word or conclusion to this commentary, just as there is no last word to the tragedy of mutinies/revolts. leading news
Can you please tell us more on this issue. Are you referring to Indian Report of ISI's Involvement, i hope NOT.


Guess what,I am talking about RAW's involvement.

Also possible by terrorists like HUJI-B.

ISI and Pakistan would be last in the suspicion list,even after Myanmar.But "non-state" factors from Pakistan may be involved.I mean the Talibans and terrorists.

Guess what,I am talking about RAW's involvement.

Also possible by terrorists like HUJI-B.

ISI and Pakistan would be last in the suspicion list,even after Myanmar.But "non-state" factors from Pakistan may be involved.I mean the Talibans and terrorists.

Indians were really quick to Put the Blame on ISI as soon as this Mutiny ended.

If the conspiracy is against your Govt and and your Armed Forces than you know very well, Who is behind all this.
Indians were really quick to Put the Blame on ISI as soon as this Mutiny ended.

Got your words wrong bro!

In fact,in the first hours of carnage,around 1 pm,I tuned on to Zee news to find out they started blaming ISI and that DG Shakeel was already killed,the fact we came to know 3 days later only after his body was found.
Got your words wrong bro!

In fact,in the first hours of carnage,around 1 pm,I tuned on to Zee news to find out they started blaming ISI and that DG Shakeel was already killed,the fact we came to know 3 days later only after his body was found.

Oh i c, Thank for Correction Dude.

Well Brother its Indian Media what can we say about that.

I always wondered Why RAW is not Hiring Media Reporters they are doing a great Job as compared to Ordinary RAW agents. They get all the news and Information Even Before it happens. :rofl::rofl:

Wish you best of Luck in your Investigations, Root out the real Culprits and You know very well what to do with them. :guns:
India to BSF: Nab fleeing BDR men-South Asia-World-The Times of India

India to BSF: Nab fleeing BDR me

NEW DELHI: India on Monday conveyed to Bangladesh its readiness to extend whatever support Dhaka might require to handle the current situation
there, even as Union home ministry asked BSF “to disarm BDR personnel and take them into custody if they try to sneak in” to this side.

Viewing the mutiny by BDR personnel as an effort to destabilise the Sheikh Hasina government, foreign minister Pranab Mukherjee wrote to the Bangladesh PM expressing “great shock” at the tragedy that has unfolded over the last few days there.

Stating that New Delhi stood ready to extend whatever support and assistance Dhaka may require at this juncture, Mukherjee mentioned that India, as a close and friendly neighbour, wished to see a democratic, stable and prosperous Bangladesh.

Though BSF was asked to remain vigilant along the border the day Dhaka reported the rebellion last week, the ministry has now issued detailed guidelines as how to handle the situation amid ‘unconfirmed’ reports that some of the BDR personnel from across the border have already sneaked in through the unfenced border in civil dress.

The rebel BDR personnel had stormed the force’s headquarters in Dhaka last week and massacred over 70 army personnel, including their chief Major General Shakil Ahmed. The slain BDR chief was known for having good relations with his counterparts in India despite bitterness between the border guards of both the countries.

Referring to the communication to BSF, sources in the home ministry said that the fresh guidelines were issued in the wake of reports from Dhaka which apprehended that a few among the 700 to 800 BDR personnel might have sneaked into India to escape the law in Bangladesh.

The authorities in the neighbouring country have so far booked nearly 1,000 personnel for murder and arson and have been looking for the missing ones, they added.

An official here said since the Bangladesh army has already surrounded a number of BDR border outposts, India has been keeping a close watch.

Comment : some Indian media have hinted at involvement of anti india forces in the coup attempt (however I don't think Indian Govt has claimed that ISI was involvement). the same is based on the fact that

1) Shaikh Hasina govt has always had good relations with India
2) The slain head of BDR was known for having good relations with India

As India does not benefit by destroying friendly forces, i don't see why will india do it. it seems the same ppl who were involved ( the Jamat, HUJI types, non state actors spread across south asia etc) are the ones who'll try to create confusion to hide their track by naming india.

just the way they attempted with Mumbai.
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