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1999-2007 Musharaf's Golden Economy

Wrong it wasnt happiest time nor the worst
It can be divided in three parts
1. Economic crisis of 1998-2001 same as we are facing now exactly due to same policies of nawaz sharif
2. 2002-2006 historical high growth due to very high foreign investment in Pakistan history and proper use of gas surplus and increase on productivity in cotton and global trade
3. 2007-08 judicial intervention, populist behavior during (-07-08)oil crisis as well as terroism

Per USA offical data the amount of aid dispersed was highest in PPPP era (csf+klb) followed by nawaz and than mushi era

In short he suceed in economy front but failed everywhere else
U summarized it very well ... two more points also missing

it wass ill planning of Mushraf that energy crisis. He dwlayed the Dams or any other local energy based power plants ... the whole energy mix got distorted

He initiated consumption based society and introduced easy credit through credit cards which created a huge bubble
What we need now is another Meiji revolution but before that we need to remove all financial, political & social obstacles.
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