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1987-China-Pakistan arms axis threatens to grow into serious problem for India

I'm just comparing it vis-a-vis Pakistan and China. Usually you don't hear about anything until it comes out here. India likes to create a media frenzy way before it builts a system etc.

A lot of the frenzy is created by the profit driven media itself.

I am sure the army/Navy/AF wouldn't disclose everything. Common sense would dictate that.
1987 | Upgrading the tried and tested Al-Zarrar tank using, western systems is the right approach to bolster our armor warfighting capabilities. Alot of our folks don't realize that the lighter tanks are more agile, they move faster and can evade fire better, they are easy to deploy, easy to maintain, easy to transport and easier to repair. Al-Zarrar is a tried and tested machine.

As far as India is concerned - they are an enemy state, therefore all of their opinions shall be viewed as the opinion of an enemy. They have a genuine reason for anxiety which is none of our concern.
I'm not an expert on armored warfare but in a tank on tank battle not sure how the Al-Zarrar would fare against the T-90's. The Al-Zarrar would probably do well as a infantry support tank since its lighter and smaller and can more around in an urban environment.
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