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1984 anti-Sikh riots case: SC dismisses Sajjan Kumar's plea

Good decision obviously but for the love of God let the victims see some actual JUSTICE in this case. Let this smug motherf*cker be put in a courtroom and rot in a jail cell before facing that hangman's noose. I don't think many Indians would shed tears for this animal.

Justice delayed is justice denied.
as already told a community with just 2% population in the nation just is not big enough for all the efforts.

pls read hindu editorials by the stupid N RAM who has done nothing in past 10 years except bash modi.fair enough,u can do it but why mum on 1984 then??atleast balance the articles by mentioning the 1984 as that was a true genocide unlike the godhra

and now secular bastards have even started blaming Modi for 1984 riots


vote carefully tomorrow
I met a Paaji today, at first I didn't understand that he's sardar as he doesn't wear a turban, but later on he told. He's much senior to me and was telling his stories of coming to US. They are from Delhi and came to US some 30 years back, during 84. They love India but they suffered a lot during 84. Goons burnt their houses in 84, near and dear ones got killed. Then only they decided to leave the country. He was saying, thousands of Sikh youths and families fled from India during 84 and aftermath and they never returned.

The country which has created so much harm for them, why to stay there any more. Now they are US citizens, but still they visit India regularly, but his children doesn't want to visit and that's completely justified. While hearing the story, I was feeling so bad. It was turning me mad. Was thinking only if I had a gun, would have finished all those criminals who did 84. I asked him to stop.

Such losers, criminals using the name of a religion killed so many innocents.Because of Indira Gandhi some f* Hindus killed Sikhs, but when Gandhiji was killed by a Hindu, none moved their @$$.

They are unhappy that Indian loser Govt. taking no action on the criminals. So Sikhs in US, Canada Europe have approached their respective countries Govt. to seek justice. They want the countries to put pressure on India. I completely support that. Told Paaji, plz do that, we are there with you.

I asked him why the Sikhs, didn't retaliate. He said it was completely unexpected that Hindus would attack us and because of less population of Sikhs in Delhi and nearby areas, they were mostly attacked there.

Anyhow, in future if something of similar sort happens again, the Sikhs won't spare anyone. Also they won't lack support as there are many people like me, who will come and fight for them.
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