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1904 China map admits Paracel, Spratly not Chinese territory

French attacked Da Nang city of Vietnam in 1858. The Vietnamese fought against France in 25 years while the Qing china did pee its pants and fled. Only when the French defeated Hanoi and went closer to the border Vietnam-Qing china, until the time it occurred the conflict the French-Qing.

why you always need China to help you fight?we helped you many time during the last 100 years.did you ever help China in any war?
most maps,yes,but not all the maps.some maps only show land boundary.but nowhere on our maps showing the Spratly is not ours.

Map of Vietnam from time of Nguyen Dynasty, when we used chinese Han Characters to writing.

why you always need China to help you fight?we helped you many time during the last 100 years.did you ever help China in any war?

Because when Vietnam was not attacked by the west, the chinese have repeatedly attacked Vietnam feudal state smaller, weaker. But when the west appears, China immediately ran away, unless they threaten its southern border.
If we had not to fight constantly against China, we were not defeated by France in 1883, after 25 years of fighting.
French attacked Da Nang city of Vietnam in 1858. The Vietnamese fought against France in 25 years while the Qing china did pee its pants and fled. Only when the French defeated Hanoi and went closer to the border Vietnam-Qing china, until the time it occurred the conflict the French-Qing.

Actually, in 1958, China was being invaded by a joint British/French force during 2nd opium war. Qing dynasty was in no shape to help Vietnam. You cannot fault China for not helping you without have a true understanding of the whole situation.

The fact is that the whole East Asia was under European pressure during the 19th century. Only Japan was able to overturn the unequal treaty. Many countries, such as India, was completely taken over.

French were notorious bad colonialist. The Indians were lucky that they got the British, which created their nation.
I am wondering where India was in WWII? China sent many troops to Burma to help UK. Pls study history

The fact is Without the US and west's help China should have been in Japanese occupation, go through the history.

Old Maps show that there is no country named America or Philipines

Old maps also show China occupied by Mongols. I mean whole of China consumed by mongols.

we helped each other that's why we were called allies,after showing you are such a history illiterate,you still have the courage to show up,haha,you lost your bet just now.

What ever i have stated is correct you are the illiterate here. Boy! i wonder what the what the real meaning of winning means for Chinese :rofl:.
Actually, in 1958, China was being invaded by a joint British/French force during 2nd opium war. Qing dynasty was in no shape to help Vietnam. You cannot fault China for not helping you without have a true understanding of the whole situation.

The fact is that the whole East Asia was under European pressure during the 19th century. Only Japan was able to overturn the unequal treaty. Many countries, such as India, was completely taken over.

French were notorious bad colonialist. The Indians were lucky that they got the British, which created their nation.

I dont mean to blame that the Qing did not support Vietnam. I just explain the problem and answer the questions.
The fact is Without the US and west's help China should have been in Japanese occupation, go through the history.


you are really a illiterate,history is history ,they are done facts.history is not ifs and buts.China won the war and as an ally force we helped each other to achieve our victory.can you read and understand historical documents at all?
Allies of World War II
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Allies of World War II - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After 1941, the leaders of the United States of America, the British Commonwealth, and the Soviet Union known as the "Big Three",[3] held leadership of the allied powers. China,at that time, was also a major Ally.

the victory awarded China a permanent seat in the UN security concil,you are so ignorant and should really improve your history study.whatever you believe wont change the world's history book,lol..

The five permanent members of the Security Council were the victorious powers in World War II and have maintained the world's most powerful military forces ever since. They annually top the list of countries with the highest military expenditures; in 2011, they spent over US$1 trillion combined on defense, accounting for over 60% of global military expenditures (the U.S. alone accounting for over 40%). They are also the only countries officially recognized as "nuclear-weapon states" under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), though there are other states known or believed to be in possession of nuclear weapons.

United Nations Security Council - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Allies of World War II
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the victory awarded China a permanent seat in the UN security concil,you are so ignorant and should really improve your history study.whatever you believe wont change the world's history book,lol..

So you chinese have won the war over Japanese without US help and with out atomic explosion on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
If US had not interfered in second world war China would have struggled to overcome Japanese.

France also got UN security council seat but the fact is France was humiliated by Nazis just like Chinese were by Japanese in both the cases the Allied forces helped them both.
So you chinese have won the war over Japanese without US help .

who said that?are you insane?China was one of the ally forces,and how many times do you have to tell you?are you having reading problems?

China as an ally,did her part in WW2,that's why we got the permanent seat.

In the middle and later stages of the war (after 1939) when the Japanese advanced to Central China, the Nationalists were very effective at fighting the Japanese. For instance, the Chinese fought the Japanese to a stalemate in Shangsha in 3 major battles (the battles of Changsha) in the span of 4 years (1939-1942). Note that this was NOT some guerilla fighting involving a company or two, but huge fighting involving army groups that totaled in close to half million troops from both sides in each one of these battles.

Further, the Chinese fought Japan on a second front in Burma and India. Nationalists sent the Chinese Expeditionary Forces to Burma/ India in 1942 and fought the Japanese in Southeastern China in 2 campaigns for 3 years 'til the end of the war. This was also large battles between army groups. China and Allied forces (mainly British colonial forces) lost badly in the 1st campaign. However, Chinese forces alone came back and defeated the Japanese thoroughly and effectively in the second campaign. The Chinese forces were able to push Japanese almost completely out of Burma in 1944/45.

Japanese casualties

The Japanese recorded around 1.1 to 1.9 million military casualties (which include killed, wounded and missing). The official death-toll according to the Japan Defense Ministry is 480,000 men, which some historians claim is an understatement due to the length of the war.[103]The combined Chinese forces claimed to have killed at most 1.77 million Japanese soldiers during the eight-year war.

Another source from Hilary Conroy claim that a total of 447,000 Japanese soldiers died in China during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Of the 1,130,000 Imperial Japanese Army soldiers who died during World War II, 39 percent died in China.
who said that?are you insane?China was one of the ally forces,and how many times do you have to tell you?are you having reading problems?

China as an ally,did her part in WW2,that's why we got the permanent seat.

Then why are you contradicting my earlier statements with your poor logic.
you have logic?you dont show that.China was the winner of WW2.and we got a permanent seat in UN Security Concil.what is your logic?

China and France lost to Germany and Japan, With the help of Britain,Russia and US(real reason behind the Japan surrender)
they have reatained the territory.
The contribution of China and France is very little to WW2 victory, France and China relocated their capitals and worked with the help of Britain,Russia and US.
China and France lost to Germany and Japan, With the help of Britain,Russia and US(real reason behind the Japan surrender)
they have reatained the territory.
The contribution of China and France is very little to WW2 victory, France and China relocated their capitals and worked with the help of Britain,Russia and US.

This guy is insane,Japan in its heydays only managed to control less than a third of China,many Asian countries exile government was in China during that time,like Korean exile government.what is your definition of losing a war? if Japan won,why did they have to hand in this "ACT OF SURRENDER" to the Chinese government?not like France,China never signed any treaty with Japan during the war,the final treaty is Japanese surrender.


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