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18 including 6 indians killed by TALIBAN

So its all about the "OIL" in Afghanistan???

December 4, 1997: Taliban Representatives Visit Unocal in Texas

Representatives of the Taliban are invited guests to the Texas headquarters of Unocal to negotiate their support for the pipeline. Future President George W. Bush is Governor of Texas at the time. The Taliban appear to agree to a $2 billion pipeline deal, but will do the deal only if the US officially recognizes the Taliban regime. The Taliban meet with US officials. According to the Daily Telegraph, “the US government, which in the past has branded the Taliban’s policies against women and children ‘despicable,’ appears anxious to please the fundamentalists to clinch the lucrative pipeline contract.” A BBC regional correspondent says that “the proposal to build a pipeline across Afghanistan is part of an international scramble to profit from developing the rich energy resources of the Caspian Sea.” [BBC, 12/4/1997; Daily Telegraph, 12/14/1997] It has been claimed that the Taliban meet with Enron officials while in Texas (see 1996-September 11, 2001). Enron, headquartered in Texas, has an large financial interest in the pipeline at the time (see June 24, 1996). The Taliban also visit Thomas Gouttierre, an academic at the University of Nebraska, who is a consultant for Unocal and also has been paid by the CIA for his work in Afghanistan (see 1984-1994 and December 1997). Gouttierre takes them on a visit to Mt. Rushmore. [Dreyfuss, 2005, pp. 328-329]
There was definetly some 'real' fight going on no doubt. But that doesnt prove even one part of what the news report says. Nor does it even remotely suggest claims made by Dawn News that Indians were killed.

Which is what I've just said, the fight was real, in regards to your 'just a couple of Talibs firing at a chacha road' comment. I'm not saying the video 'proves' the credibility of the news. Only that the Indians or their guards were certainly firing back if the video is authentic. Take the point my comment was meant for, don't go around in circles.

My country's media wasn't the one which came up with this news piece.

Like I said, even if this report turns out to be untrue, there is no need to be so haughty. There is a fair bit of dubious reporting in the medias of many countries, not least of which is India.

Kaskrin, this is not the standard that we expect from a PDF moderator, i suggest you should remove your prejudice first and then look at the siutation as it is..!! If somebody is wrong, that will be proved with the backing of reports and facts here..!!!!

It is not for you to lecture me on the 'standard of a PDF moderator'. I've not exhibited any bias, merely a rhetorical warning. Even if you misunderstood anything, refrain from shooting off your mouth in the future.
You know very well that it's the Taliban who is against the help of foreigners in Afghanistan, not Afghan people themselves because help is definitely wanted there. And you know very well it's Taliban who will keep attacking foreign consulates and embassies and Taliban are both in Afghanistan and Pakistan. So if you are trying to say Afghan people themselves want Indians out then think again, and if you are trying to be sarcastic there, then 'ha ha ha'.

And once again friends, it's 'Afghan' or 'Afghanistani', NOT Afghani. So please don't refer us as Afghani.

ok lets agree they help afghanstan why not they help from 1990 to 2001 by third party they never send a single drop of water in afghanistan because they can't use taliban like karazai.and whats this afghanistani bro google it you get nothing but afghani we use from our early life beleve me its new word for me .:D
Why are there pictures of hungry Indian children in this thread? As south asians we should know better than to point fingers at each others poverty, its like the pot calling the kettle black.

should India stay out of Afghanistan simply because we have hungry people? India isn't there to fulfill some super power fantasy, we are simply trying to position ourselves in the evolving environment.

I don't want to start about poverty in Pakistan or anywhere else in south Asia. I request the mods to delete those pictures as they are irrelevant and meant to incite. by that logic being south Asians we shouldn't even be discussing defense, whats the point? all of us could exchange pictures of naked/hungry people all day long.
You sleeping or what? I repeat; Mujahideen and Taliban BOTH were against Hindu's and Sikh's in Afghanistan and forced BOTH sides to leave Afghanistan and go back to India. Most had no other choice than to leave but some still stayed back in Afghanistan, without fearing Mujahideen and Taliban. Especially Mujahideen were killing people every single day and times of Mujahideen were probably worse than Russian war, it was like a suicide for any country to even enter Afghanistan. And whether they want to help or not and why they want to help or not is India's own choice and thinking, so I won't say much about it. All I know is that help IS being provided NOW and we also need the help NOW more than ever. If this same help would have been provided during Taliban time then whatever they would build, would have been exploded by Taliban at once.

And new or old, Afghani is Afghan currency and therefore a WRONG name for Afghans. Afghans themselves are bothered by the fact many call them Afghani and many of them in West do that even themselves because they are unaware of what it actually means. I don't think anyone would like it here if I call them Rupees, init?
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