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17 Top Pak Officials Protecting Us Interests In NWFP


Apr 4, 2009
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This is a moment of shame for the world’s sixth nuclear armed nation. But it is also time to correct deformities like this one. The United States has recruited agents from within the Pakistani system to forward its own agenda mostly at the cost of Pakistan’s interests and stability. Now Pakistanis are taking their revenge by quietly cleaning up their house. But we need to keep our eyes open.

Seventeen officials serving in NWFP on various important posts are active members of the notorious American Khyber Club (AKC) that is believed to be a hotbed of conspiracies against Pakistan, highly placed sources informed TheNation on Sunday.

These officials are facilitating American diplomats, operatives of CIA and mercenaries of Blackwater in their activities stretched across the province and FATA. In reciprocation, the local officials get full support in getting lucrative postings, transfers and getting away with inquiries, etc, sources disclosed and added they are taken care by Americans who have tones of money on their disposal.

“Those who stand out in serving US interests are posted on the posts of their own choice despite lapse of tenure, and this speaks of increasing American influence in our internal matters,” an official said. Their nominees get US visas in no time and the children as well as siblings of some officials are getting free education in prestigious institutions abroad. These days serving American interests is more fruitful for anyone than serving interests of Pakistan, an official who was made OSD for an unforgivable crime of non-cooperation with foreigners told TheNation.

The top 17 officials who have made American Khyber Club their second home include nine from District Management Group (DMG), six officers representing Police Service of Pakistan (PSP), while two are in the Office Management Group (OMG).

The PSP officers who take pride in having personal relations with American operatives hail from Peshawar, Bannu, Lakki Marwat, Waziristan and Kohat. They have been spotted roaming around with foreigners in their bulletproof cars and holding secret meetings with them in their offices which is an open violation of rules and regulations, sources informed. The DMG officials who are protecting US interests in the region hail from Peshawar, Nowshehra, Swabi, Mardan and Charsadda. They also use the American Khyber Club as their unofficial secretariat. The officials belonging to OMG and PSC Executive Group hail from Waziristan and Shabqadar.

Orders have been repeatedly circulated that government officials can’t meet foreigners (Americans) without prior approval from the authorities concerned but no one seems to be interested in abiding by the rules. On the other hand, those who are not in the good books of the American Consulate have been given insignificant posts or have simply been made Officers on Special Duty (OSDs). The sources informed that Pakistan’s premier intelligence agency has reported the matter to the highest authorities in Islamabad.

Pakistan Ideology
We know our nation have no respect today in the world.

Major points

Around the world including Pakistan 95% people preception is Pakistan army doing battles (On Order On Demand) of US.

Right now Pakistan begging on TOP of the list!

Pakistan Govt and Army doing what US want (Us want PK Army buzy in eastren border and they carryout their activities in Pakistan.)

Thousands of inner + head of state people involve in Destablizing Pakistan with US (involve in US agenda)

Goverment and Army doing just "Condems" Drone attacks. US killing Pakistan people and our Army and govt watching and quite xpect condem nuthing implement.

THERE IS NO AL-QAEDA and Muslim Shura so called Terrroist organization in Pakistan and even we know that but still our HEAD OF STATE "just condem and quite" thats it

we know we know!!!!!!

What is actually going on.. Not everything is true but also not everything is wrong!!!

People preception sometime 80% chance going in right direction!

Unfortuntly we are NUCLEAR POWER STATE but have NO POWER to STOP anything...

hope we will get good leaders in our State dept in future... nuthing more...

Look at people comments on the TV channels

from 2004 - 2007 people says " we dont have money we cant able to buy food etc"

and today people says "we are very much confuze about how our country survive in future we dont have gas, electricity, clean water for drink etc and everything gonna xpensive daybyday.

"PEOPLE COMMENTS CHANGE FROM THR OWN ISSUES to COUNTRY!" now everyone very carefulll about this country!!

THATS WHAT PEOPLE PRECEPTION and i also 101% agreed on this that our STATE OF DEPT (FROM ANY DEPT OF THE STATE) unforuntly all are Corrupt!! even CJ cant do anything from last 3 days!
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Around the world including Pakistan 95% people preception is Pakistan army doing battles (On Order On Demand) of US.

Damn Right.We should have let TTP take over entire Pakistan.Swat was not enough and we should not have brought Swat under government writ and it is America fault that TTP is bombing us.Army should not fight with TTP.Pakistan Army should let TTP bomb Pakistanis to hell specially Pakistanis with special dignity and honor who are sick en-tired of drones but can't speak a single world against TTP who are raping Pakistan daily.
Damn Right.We should have let TTP take over entire Pakistan.Swat was not enough and we should not have brought Swat under government writ and it is America fault that TTP is bombing us.Army should not fight with TTP.Pakistan Army should let TTP bomb Pakistanis to hell specially Pakistanis with special dignity and honor who are sick en-tired of drones but can't speak a single world against TTP who are raping Pakistan daily.

You are one sane voice I have heard in the entire day. American orders or not...but these terrorists are killing Common Pakistani...and its army's job to protect the country from being over run by these thugs.

There is a need to understand that Terrorism does not belong to anyone ...but it hurts everyone.

People have wasted enough time blaming someone or that other for terrorism.....that has to stop...

Pakistani army is doing its job by killing these terrorists....and Pakistani Citizenry should do their job by supporting the army and going against these terrorists.
Damn Right.We should have let TTP take over entire Pakistan.Swat was not enough and we should not have brought Swat under government writ and it is America fault that TTP is bombing us.Army should not fight with TTP.Pakistan Army should let TTP bomb Pakistanis to hell specially Pakistanis with special dignity and honor who are sick en-tired of drones but can't speak a single world against TTP who are raping Pakistan daily.

Try to understand our problem will never solve after killing TTP (Qoute my words). These are Terrorist "FUNDED orgnaization" and who are funding ??? (Under US Mossad, CIA and Raw from Afghanistan),

If we really want to finish this terrorism first finish mother of all children means "CUTT OF US SUPPLY LINE and CUT RELATION WITH US tll thn US quit from Afghanistan and also Indian and Isrealy involvement finish in Afghanistan.

Kill mother better than kill her children. Thats our preception that TTP is doing all this but technically howthy carry out 1 - 2 crore per Sucide attack ffrom where they get 50 lacs - crore ??? Logically TTP SO CALLED TTP have no business inthe world how they get such huge amount from where ???

so FROM WHERE counter first "WHERE" and thn these small funded organization automatically finish.

So better to counter US first!
Damn Right.We should have let TTP take over entire Pakistan.Swat was not enough and we should not have brought Swat under government writ and it is America fault that TTP is bombing us.Army should not fight with TTP.Pakistan Army should let TTP bomb Pakistanis to hell specially Pakistanis with special dignity and honor who are sick en-tired of drones but can't speak a single world against TTP who are raping Pakistan daily.

It is not responsibility of army to control law and order internally, it is governmet policies total failure in swat and waziristan, always armed forces used when government totally failed.

Police and government eating public taxed million of dollars , so people have right to raise question.

In fact our shame less government should resign immediately .

We have not learnt lesson from west Pakistan delima , people of swat and fata are patriotic Pakistani but they were not taken in confidence before decision of attack on swat and waziristan , it was president decision due to pressue of US president.

TTP gain the strength due to failure of government and local political system.

Rokna hay to barish ko ruko
Miti to mahkay ge ya us ki hay majburi
Thats no big surprise everdy body has assets in every government . Even Pakistan has lobyists in American congress . BTW i also heared that Blochistan CM is a vital American asset ..
We have not learnt lesson from west Pakistan delima , people of swat and fata are patriotic Pakistani but they were not taken in confidence before decision of attack on swat and waziristan , it was president decision due to pressue of US president.

TTP gain the strength due to failure of government and local political system.
O yeah..that's why we managed to clean swat and kicked your so called ttp brothers from there?Tell me how many Swatis want those bastards back in Swat?All Swatis are happy now.Just visit Swat and don't listen to Jihadi propaganda.
O yeah..that's why we managed to clean swat and kicked your so called ttp brothers from there?Tell me how many Swatis want those bastards back in Swat?All Swatis are happy now.Just visit Swat and don't listen to Jihadi propaganda.

Brother it is 21 century , no power could stand in between people and their desires, use of force against you own people is not advisable any where in the world.

Government failed to provide all basic needs of people of FATA,Swat,Cholistan,thar,balouchistan etc education,justic,health and food and shelter , i dont think any political leader could even visit these ares in next many decades.
Brother it is 21 century , no power could stand in between people and their desires, use of force against you own people is not advisable any where in the world.

Government failed to provide all basic needs of people of FATA,Swat,Cholistan,thar,balouchistan etc education,justic,health and food and shelter , i dont think any political leader could even visit these ares in next many decades.
Twisting words again.You have habit of doing soo.Army Chief regularly visit Swat along with several other guests and the views of Swatis are largely pro army and government now.So spread your jihadi propaganda somewhere else.There are several members of Pakdef.info who have visited swat and from what've heard from their Swati friends the situation is much much better now.Swatis are now enjoying the freedom and what the **** TTP provides that you consider basic needs?You mean Beheading, banning shops, banning women from shopping, stoning women are Basic Needs?
Twisting words again.You have habit of doing soo.Army Chief regularly visit Swat along with several other guests and the views of Swatis are largely pro army and government now.So spread your jihadi propaganda somewhere else.There are several members of Pakdef.info who have visited swat and from what've heard from their Swati friends the situation is much much better now.Swatis are now enjoying the freedom and what the **** TTP provides that you consider basic needs?You mean Beheading, banning shops, banning women from shopping, stoning women are Basic Needs?

Let me clear your mis conception i am deadly against TTP or Jehadi Mullahs .

What a joke Army Chief visited these areas , did he conducted any public meeting or jirga?

Better you try to go their with any political leader then see their reaction:rofl:
Let me clear you mis conception i am deadly against TTP or Jehadi Mullahs .

What a joke Army Chief visited these areas , did he conducted any public meeting or jirga?

Better you try to go their with any political leader then see their reaction:rofl:
Well, Swat is in fact running under Government writ no so that pretty much defeats your government theory.Point being, it does not matter if politicians are allowed to visit Swat or not.As long as it's under government writ..it's all good and yes, COAS visited schools and held public meetings with senior government officials of Swat.Even Turkish COAS visited Swat and many normal people are visiting swat without any problem now.Now if you're still going to say Swat is under TTP writ then i think i can't change your mind because you obviously don't have the guts to admit your ally (ttp) defeat.
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Well, Swat is in fact running under Government writ no so that pretty much defeats your government theory.Point being, it does not matter if politicians are allowed to visit Swat or not.As long as it's under government writ..it's all good and yes, COAS visited schools and held public meetings with senior government officials of Swat.Even Turkish COAS visited Swat and many normal people are visiting swat without any problem now.Now if you're still going to say Swat is under TTP writ then i think i can't change your mind because you obviously don't have the guts to admit your ally (ttp) defeat.
9EZkWfj1aHI[/media] - COAS visits Swat (2009-11-21)

Agreed swat is under martial law writ not government writ , government writ will be restored when Gillani conduct a public gathering :D
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O yeah..that's why we managed to clean swat and kicked your so called ttp brothers from there?Tell me how many Swatis want those bastards back in Swat?All Swatis are happy now.Just visit Swat and don't listen to Jihadi propaganda.

SWAT people are happy ?? lol man when u fired missile or bombs from 3000 feet above bomb dont have EYEZ (compare who is terrorist and who is not) and when bomb hits ground Innocent casualities more thn terrorist 10,000 terrorist not able to CAPUTRE whole pakistan talk logically. WE ADD MORE TERRORIST FOR US!!

Do you think only TERRORIST DIED in SWAT Airforce bombing ???

India have 21 state in which freedom fighters are active but they never ever go for MILITARY ACTION!!! why ??

Talk logically if we think that for WAR we will achieve our goals we are seriously IDIOTS!

we will never ever achieve our goals from these kinds of activities. First clean ur GOVT and HEAD OF STATE!!

TTP doing corruption in GOVT ???

man talk logicially these are not TALIBANS ! these are funded people! and who funded them ?? UNITEDSTATE! under US RAW, mossand and CIA doing such activities..

let me ask u a question is that TTP ALLOW BLACKWATEr and CIA in Pakistan ??????


You guyz didnt get my point i am not say TTP ARE SOO GOOD BLAA BLAA BS. Try to understand my point is KILL MOTHER BETTER THN Kill her children first counter US!


US want our army doing such kinds of activities like bombing on own civilian because they knows when anyone fire BOMB bomb dont have eyez there (means our) problems definatly increasing day by day because of Military Actions and thats what US WANT. In Swat billions of people becme homeless and died in bombing telme one thing

Kudha na khusta PAKISTAN AIRFORCe or GUNSHIP fired missile at your home and your relative suppose father brother died what u willl do after NEXT ????

INTEKAAM KE AAG BARE BURI HOTI HEY!!! we made more terrorist!!!! try to understand this!
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This is a moment of shame for the world’s sixth nuclear armed nation

My Dear Brother You are the same member who like Taliban and mentioned that Taliban are right mostly posted your article in this form.
So I will say STOP it.

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