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15 Mind Blowing Technologies Invented By The Nazis

Nazi scientist were the most brilliant in the world. If it weren't for them the US wouldn't have had many of the tech. they have today. There's a reason they brought them back to the US.
Nazi's were really good and creative at inventing stuff. It is good that their followers in BJP and RSS in India aren't as shining individuals as Nazi's.
Thanks for the tag
OT: UFO, moon base and time travel? come on these all are just myths, fantasies :P though they really had great and intelligent scientists, soldiers, generals, weapons etc :) and if i am not wrong micro wave was invented by an american?
Indeed it was Percy Spencer a self trained electrical engineer.Kudos
I dont know if this thread is sarcastic or not but at least half of the things in the video are either wrong facts or complete BS to put it mildly.

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