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15 commandos and a driver killed in IED blast by Naxals in Gadchiroli, Maharasht - 30 vehicles burnt

Naxal Freedom Fighters: Who are they?

The Naxalite–Maoist insurgency is an ongoing conflict[23] between Maoist groups known as Naxalites or Naxals and the Indian government. The conflict in its present form began after the 2004 formation of the Communist Party of India (Maoist) (CPI-Maoists), a rebel group composed of the People's War Group (PWG) and the Maoist Communist Centre (MCC). In January 2005, talks between the Andhra Pradesh state government and the CPI-Maoists broke down and the rebels accused authorities of not addressing their demands for a written truce, release of prisoners and redistribution of land.[24] The ongoing conflict has taken place over a vast territory (around half of India's 29 states) with hundreds of people being killed annually in clashes between the CPI-Maoists and the government every year since 2005.[25][25][26] However, it is now confined to only few districts of Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana and Maharashtra.

Naxalite–Maoist insurgency
18 May 1967–present
(51 years, 11 months, 1 week and 1 day)
India (Red corridor)
Status Ongoing
RIP soldiers..

Stop drinking fermented cow urine and get a hold of yourself
Well Cow urine is limited to UP and Bihar, so stop it right there, no need to drag it because you dont have any thing to contribute...
seems to be an anti tank mine. now the indians will also blame pakistan for this.
How many terrorist attacks that occured in India that werent related to Pakistan did India blame Pakistan for? stop trollin
Swift retribution. :coffee:

Confirm report 15 Indian soldier killed in Maharashtra by Maoist freedom fighters in Gadchiroli. Final death toll awaited.
Confirm report 15 Indian soldier killed in Maharashtra by Maoist freedom fighters in Gadchiroli. Final death toll awaited.
How many terrorist attacks that occured in India that werent related to Pakistan did India blame Pakistan for? stop trollin
the whole world has seen clearly the truth about indian randi rona. you people are proven , certified lier . even your generals talk like emotional fools. the way your govt and unprofessional military handed the affairs since feb have exposed your nation completely. now its clear why you people remained the slaves of foreign powers because you never had any dignity.
Maybe this time, they will blame China and want a surgical strike. Last chance for Modi to score points before India election. :enjoy:

They started shitting their pants after their adventure against Pakistan, you think they have the guts to attack China? If they ever did that the Ganges would be flowing with lots of cow people.
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