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14 including seven FC personnel martyred in Ormara attack

These are the real heroes of the nation. We salute your bravery, my brothers. . Long Live Pakistan Armed Forces. We need to evaluate our strategies and only use armored vehicles instead of pick-ups and jeeps while moving in certain sensitive tribal areas where we have issues with these terrorist penetrations.

إِنَّا لِلَّٰهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ‎,
complete intelligence failour .... beside that india openly targetting pakistan within our territories... why we are not doing the same ? they have ten time more fault lines why we are behaving like this? it will be continued untill we did not make every enemy action very expensive for them ..
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Good think that you didn't mention Iran OP

Obviously these terrorists came from Rajasthan and then crossed whole of Sindh and then attacked these soldiers in Omara in Makran region

Nothing to do with Iran obviously :)


Ab kis baat ka summon

If we would have learned anything when we lost these guys back in May then may be this would have happened. Only if we would have valued these deaths then may be we might have avoided today's deaths

We need to double the strength of ISI as this is an intelligence failure.
Our soldiers should be covered by Drone aerial surveillance whilst they are moving to ensure terrorists can be detected.
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13 security personnel, 7 private guards martyred in two attacks in Ormara, North Waziristan

Naveed Siddiqui |
Updated 15 Oct 2020

Pictures of the army personnel martyred in North Waziristan released by the ISPR. — Photo courtesy: ISPR

Pictures of the army personnel martyred in North Waziristan released by the ISPR. — Photo courtesy: ISPR

Thirteen security personnel and seven private guards were martyred in two separate attacks in Balochistan's Gwadar district and the North Waziristan tribal district on Thursday, the military's media wing said.

In the first incident, seven soldiers of Frontier Corps (FC) Balochistan and seven security guards were martyred in an 'encounter' with a "large number of terrorists" while escorting a convoy of state-run Oil & Gas Development Company Ltd (OGDCL) on the Makran Coastal Highway in Ormara, an Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) statement said. The convoy was on its way to Karachi from Gwadar when it came under attack.

"Security forces responded effectively, ensured security of the OGDCL persons and managed their safe exit from the area," the press release said, adding that "substantial losses were also incurred to the terrorists" during the clash.
According to the ISPR, security forces have cordoned off the entire area and a search was underway for the militants involved in the attack.
"Such cowardly acts by inimical elements to sabotage peace, stability and economic development in Balochistan shall never be allowed to succeed," the statement said. "These acts can not subdue [the] resolve of our forces which are determined to defend [the] motherland, even at the cost of their lives."
No group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

The martyred FC personnel were identified by the ISPR as Subedar Abid Hussain, Naik Muhammad Anwar, Lance Naik Iftikhar Ahmed, Sepoy Muhammad Naveed, Lance Naik Abdul Latif, Sepoy Muhammad Waris and Sepoy Imran Khan.

Meanwhile, the martyred private security guards, who were accompanying the convoy, were identified as Havaldar (retired) Samandar Khan, Muhammad Fawadullah, Attaullah, Waris Khan, Abdul Nafay, Shakirullah and Abid Hussain.

Prime Minister Imran Khan in a statement condemned the attack on the OGDCL convoy and sought a report into the incident, Radio Pakistan reported.

The premier expressed grief with the families of the martyred personnel of security agencies.
Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan Alyani in a tweet said the attack on law-enforcement personnel was "a clear sign the enemy does not want Balochistan and its people to prosper".

Commenting on the incident, Minister for States and Frontier Regions (Safron) and Narcotics Control Shehryar Afridi said "while Pakistan is fast achieving peace & CPEC [is] transforming Pakistan into [a] vibrant economy, India-backed terrorists are making last-ditch effort to destabilise peace and development in Balochistan."

"Terrorism can't raise its head and enemy would fail again," he added.
The FC needs a Rapid response team of Heliborne SSG troops to be available to respond to these kinds of attacks. Each Battalion should have a section of a few light attack helicopters and transport helicopters to rush in an protect any convoy that comes under attack. If we can get CSF money or even if we can’t, we need to dedicate funding to get something like the AH-6i or Z-19 and UH-1Y to quickly provide cover and bring in reinforcement, to protect our men.

We need MRAPs so the men can survive long enough until help can arrive. Drones should cover convoy movements so that artillery can be called in on miscreants when a fight occurs.

We owe the men at least adequate equipment to have a fighting chance
We have a whole new division of regular soldiers there, we need to have a few more divisions to end Indian sponsored terrorism once and for all.

There is PN navy base there and most likely that is the target of Indian agencies.

We need helicopters, two attack Helicopters, two medium transport helicopters, and 3-4 Medium endurance UAVs on average for each of the 34 units of the FC. Considering the large geography, more units won’t help as much as new capabilities to better use the numbers we already have. Each unit should also have artillery in fire bases to provide artillery support if need be, and if we equip the FC with a decent number of MRAPs, the MRAPs can carry soft recoil Heavy mortars to provide their own firepower back against the enemy.

Pakistan should ask the Turkish military to share its experience in dealing with the PKK and other miscreants with the Pakistani Army to better deal with this threat. Thank you to our Turkish Brothers for their support.
We need helicopters, two attack Helicopters, two medium transport helicopters, and 3-4 Medium endurance UAVs on average for each of the 34 units of the FC. Considering the large geography, more units won’t help as much as new capabilities to better use the numbers we already have. Each unit should also have artillery in fire bases to provide artillery support if need be, and if we equip the FC with a decent number of MRAPs, the MRAPs can carry soft recoil Heavy mortars to provide their own firepower back against the enemy.

Pakistan should ask the Turkish military to share its experience in dealing with the PKK and other miscreants with the Pakistani Army to better deal with this threat. Thank you to our Turkish Brothers for their support.

Drones should be enough, more cost effective and can stay up in the air longer. Drone escorts are the need of the day for our soldiers. We need to seal the border with Afghanistan as these terrorist scums are getting training from Indians there. It would be interesting to know what the interrogations reveal.
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Drones should be enough, more cost effective and can stay up in the air longer. We need to seal the border with Afghanistan as these terrorist scums are getting training from Indians there. It would be interesting to know what the interrogations reveal.

I hope you are right. We have many threats and being cost effective is something the army will need to keep in mind to afford to deal with all of them adequately.

Not only sealing the border with Afghanistan but Iran and doing through checks before people are allowed to move in or out of Pakistan.

The army need to also consider, once the borders are secured, a weapons buy back policy or a confiscation policy, so these kinds of weapons are no longer in the hands of civilians. Civilians don’t need recoilless rifles and RPGs. If Afghanistan can be made peaceful, we need to end the Kalashnikov culture, so this threat ends once and for all.
Retards policy maker either are incapable or on purpose are not understanding one simple point.
Key to defeating India lies in defeating India in India. Why won't we take heed. This bull crap of being on list of some sort is not working anymore. Look at Karachi look at poverty these policy makers will never get it. If there was a time to hit India hard its now we may never get this chance for another 200 years and keep wasting resources and destroying the life of future generations. Let's take this fucking fight to Indian streets and every corner this fight need to be fought on Indian terrain not Afghanistan not Pakistan. Whats the point of fighting it in Afghanistan?
1. Afghan government is not corporeating and every true Pakistani knows they won't do it.
2. We will be spilling our muslim blood even if we take this fight along the Afghan border.
3. As long as India is not taught a serious lesson we will be at the receiving end from every country who hate our people.
4. Waste total waste of resources we fought this war and now with new reports it seems like history repeating itself so we we make stupid mistakes OVER and OVER again wether its India or Nawaz sharif.
Have some dignity for the uniform you wear because its not the personalities its the Pak army uniform that you wear is adored by Pakistani people. Get on with the fucking job
Death and life is in hands of Almighty so is the nuclear bluff of India. Learn from Azerbaijan army because whats the point of loosing the soldiers without taking inch of enemy territory.
The best we can do is take enemy territory and name it on the names of fallen heros who sacrificed themselves while taking the battle to enemy doorstep.
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