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14 dead in shooting at San Bernardino, Calif., center for disabled; 3 suspects on loose

Possible picture of Tafsheen Malik. Link below.


Syed Rizwan Farook Photo: 28-Year-Old’s Dating Website Photo — Plus Wife Tashfeen Malik’s Graphic Photo

It's astonishing how such normal people can get radicalized by hardline Islam. Not a great news for Pakistanis living abroad.
There seems to be some confusion about the pictures. Quite possible that this one is his brother. Seems they have similar sounding names, Syed Rizwan Farook & Syed Raheel Farook.

Tashfeen Malik | Fellowship of the Minds

I can't wrap my head around what cause could have driven the mother of a 6 month old to abandon her child for this. Scary.

It makes no sense. She arrived to the US in July 2014, gets pregnant, and gives birth 6 months ago. Then she's radicalized, and abandons her child to commit mass murder? Some serious brainwashing had to have occurred.
Are looking like an ordinary family.
It's astonishing how such normal people can get radicalized by hardline Islam. Not a great news for Pakistanis living abroad.

Would exercise caution about the pics. Just noticed that it says Raheel (the brother) not Rizwan. Think it is the picture of the brother & his wife.

Will delete but leave the link standing.
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...It never occured to me that in my lifetime I would see Muslims become notorious for terrorism. How things change...
Do you think that's because you blanked out or distorted the experience of many non-Muslims and non-Arabs in the Middle East and Asia, from East Timor to Mauritania, from the Caucasus to Zanzibar?
Do you think that's because you blanked out or distorted the experience of many non-Muslims and non-Arabs in the Middle East and Asia, from East Timor to Mauritania, from the Caucasus to Zanzibar?

I am only human. I was young in 1980s. My outlook only extended within UK. If I did blank or distorted then it would be no more or no less then others who do the same for experiance of millions in Balkans 1990s.

And the true crucible of death and destruction which set benchmark in human suffering, that is 60 million dead, two nuclear weapons detonated, six million Jews murdered - I believe we call it 5 year killfest WW2 and we all know Muslims were behind it. We ignore that all the time.

And just for your information I am a secular Muslim as much as you are a secular Jew. I doubt you practice:-

“The sexual intercourse of a Goy is like to that of a beast.” (Sanhedrin 74b Tosephoth)

Sanhedrin 59a
To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.

Libbre David 37

A Jew should and must make a false oath when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them.
Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156

If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth.

I doubt you follow such outdated thinking. Well I certainly hope so, being a Goyim is not a attractive proposition. I also don't follow the outdated thinking in Quran. I guess we both are secular and have deviated from our respective "books"? And we are better for it.

Many people have died and your celebrating. Your one sick, twisted, deranged ape.
Many people have died and your celebrating. Your one sick, twisted, deranged ape.

There's something finally for bharatis to celebrate for. It's how their twisted mind works but I've talked about it before. In the last 2-3 years basically nearly all Islamic terrorist attacks have originated out of MENA and due to ISIS. Bharatis were getting restless as they couldn't use those terrorist attacks against Pakistan. It's been a slow (or non-existent) last few years for them. But finally, their wish is granted, even if the link to Pakistan isn't that concrete (i.e. the terrorists didn't train in Pakistan or got funded from there, they only have a biological connection -- the bharatis will take it though).
the sick twisted deranged apes were your mard e mommin jihadi terrorist Pakistani couple

Yes they were Pakistani. But guess what!!

Despite that this incident would have absolutely no impact on Pak-US relations and Pakistan would still get 8 F16Block52, 15 Vipers, 1000 hellfire missiles which would be used against you in case of war.

Now how does that feel to you? I know your bharati black veggie bhund would be on fire once you would realize this reality. :azn:
Yes they were Pakistani. But guess what!!

Despite that this incident would have absolutely no impact on Pak-US relations and Pakistan would still get 8 F16Block52, 15 Vipers, 1000 hellfire missiles which would be used against you in case of war.

Now how does that feel to you? I know your bharati black veggie bhund would be on fire once you would realize this reality. :azn:

It has always been and to keep it forever ................ proper ventilation in form of chaddiiz is used. Oxygen is necessary to keep the flames going. Iraq, Sham, Iran, Kuwait kay tail kay kunwoo ki aag buj sakti hay par chaddiii ki gas ki nahi.
Yes they were Pakistani. But guess what!!

Despite that this incident would have absolutely no impact on Pak-US relations and Pakistan would still get 8 F16Block52, 15 Vipers, 1000 hellfire missiles.

Now how does that feel to you? I know your bharati black veggie bhund would be on fire once you would realize this reality. :azn:
just like osama bin laden had absolutely no impact ? :azn:

Pakistan are already considered a dangerous nation with a large highly radicalized wahhabi terrorist population, this will help reinforce that narrative.

Pakistan and terror, terror and pakistan. :agree:
Yes they were Pakistani. But guess what!!

Despite that this incident would have absolutely no impact on Pak-US relations and Pakistan would still get 8 F16Block52, 15 Vipers, 1000 hellfire missiles which would be used against you in case of war.

Now how does that feel to you? I know your bharati black veggie bhund would be on fire once you would realize this reality. :azn:
Hahaha. The reply made me laugh. Do you know why? Frankly A day will come when USA will get fed up with the way things are going. Like helping Pakistan getting IMF loans giving special status etc
just like osama bin laden had absolutely no impact ? :azn:

Pakistan are already considered a dangerous nation with a large highly radicalized wahhabi terrorist population, this will help reinforce that narrative.

Pakistan and terror, terror and pakistan. :agree:

It looks like you're in denial about ISIS, like rest of bharatis. Most of the world is looking at ISIS as the big threat. And unfortunately for you, you can't use ISIS against Pakistan. Now go cry about it.
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