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12 year old dies in pellet firing in IOK

Your brain is full of Afghan hashish.

That day will remain in your day dreams only.:omghaha:

The dreams are coming true and reality is what we are watching, flying Pakistani flags, chanting Pakistani flags, our National Anthem is been preached and they sing inside IOK. Beginning is going to end soon, the day is near our Kashmirs brothers wish would be fulfilled soon and they would say just like this " Kashmir bun gaya Pakistan INSHALLAH MASHALLAH JIZAKALLAH"

You cow drink lover, that Afghan weed is already present in End ians your brains, they supply you now these days. So, enjoy cow drink with mixture of weed in your already cow shit filled brain. Recently, butcher of Gujarat terrorist modi - takla ghani chanted weed weed friendship :rofl::lol:
Agreed buddy.
Arabs always tried to break Israel but when they failed; they started crying that Israel is occupying and violating so called human rights.

You both got it all wrong with the history but again no point in arguing who are blind. By your theory we should not condemn what hitler did with Jews. I still do even after your ill argument.
No Flag in this world is large enough to hide the blood of innocents.

While Most felt so proud on such "valour and brave" act of his sena .... Humanity died of shame somewhere..!!!
Indian Flag is large enough.
They have hid bloods of 125 innocents so far :coffee:
Anti-India clashes erupt in Srinagar after boy's killing

Kashmiri Muslims shout pro-freedom slogans as they carry a body of Junaid Ahmed, a 12-year-old boy towards the martyrs graveyard during his funeral procession in Srinagar, Oct 8.— AP
SRINAGAR: Indian forces fired shotgun pellets and tear gas Saturday as thousands carried the body of a young boy killed overnight during an anti-India protest in Srinagar

Chanting slogans “Go India, go back” and “We want freedom”, thousands of residents marched to the main Martyr's Graveyard in Srinagar for the burial of the 12-year-old boy.

The boy was critically injured on Friday evening after he was hit by shotgun pellets all over his body and died at a hospital early Saturday.


Kashmiri Muslims women comfort wailing mother of Junaid Ahmed.— AP

Residents said the young student was hit inside his home compound, some 30 feet from clashes between protesters and government forces. Police say he was part of the clashes.

Police and paramilitary soldiers fired warning shots, pellets and tear gas, fearing the procession could become a larger rally seeking an end of Indian rule in the disputed Himalayan region, said a police officer, speaking on condition of anonymity in keeping with department policy.

Clashes broke out as hundreds of young men hurled rocks at the troops while another group of mourners changed route to bury the dead.

On Friday, at least 50 people were injured during dozens of clashes as tens of thousands of Kashmiris protested against Indian rule.

Government forces continued firing shotguns to disperse angry crowds despite repeated warnings from India's Home Ministry to minimise their use and widespread outcry against such weapons by local and international rights groups that have sought their ban. The pellets have killed at least six people and left hundreds of civilians with serious eye injuries, with dozens losing their eyesight.

Meanwhile, a police official was killed after suspected rebels fired at a police post in the region. Police official Reyaz Ahmed said Saturday that a group of militants appeared on the outskirts of southern Shopian town overnight and tried to snatch weapons from a police bunker.

He said the rebels sprayed gunfire after police resisted, leaving a policeman dead and two others wounded. The violence came as India-held Kashmir is experiencing its largest protests against Indian rule in recent years, sparked by the killing in July of a popular rebel commander by Indian soldiers.

The protests, and a sweeping military crackdown, have all but paralysed life in the region. More than 80 civilians have been killed and thousands injured, with hundreds among them blinded and maimed, mostly by government forces firing bullets and shotgun pellets at rock-throwing protesters.

Two policemen have also been killed and hundreds of government forces injured in the clashes.

Most people in Indian-held Kashmir favour independence or a merger with Pakistan. A militant uprising and subsequent Indian military crackdown since 1989 have killed more than 68,000 people.


for Indian politicians, killing a child like this wouldn't matter because it wasn't one of theirs. I am not wishing an end to a life that yet has to grow and see the world while still dreaming for his/her little wishes to become true one day but as a word that may put some sense into the minds. Ironically, there are people as well that do not condemn such treatment and victimization to the children. I am addressing all, how many times all of us would have broke things at our own homes or at relatives, or your own child does the same and you all or your child is treated the same way.
RIP kid

But your country men comment was funny.
One dumb kid try to roam in protesting area and 1.2 billion is responsible.

Ya right ,You fondness towards dog is truly

Don't be a kuttai ka bacha and nobody would call you one.

It is simple. now stop celebrating death of a 12 year old kid even if you don't like him.
Cry me a river:D

On topic:What is this 13 year old kid doing in a protest area?
Usually in our state ,elders wont even allow
kids in those areas
I can cry you a ganga but then it will become pavittar & you guys like it un-pavittar so...
You are naturally born with that title being an Indian. If their was any doubt then you removed them with your comments on the death of a 12 year old kid.

Yup .I am an Indian .
That is why I said RIP kid.

Parents should teach their kids good lessons.
they injured they will do the same .In here that is pellet gun.
A big no no place for kids below 18.

Pallets gun claimed a life hence proven as killing machine. Even if a child made it to a place like this, does not justify such cold blooded murder.
Pallets gun claimed a life hence proven as killing machine. Even if a child made it to a place like this, does not justify such cold blooded murder.

So if a crowd includibg kids throws big stones against you frequently ,will you stand there with nice smile?
I dont think so .
Neither the boy nor the police but the boy's parents are culprits here.
So if a crowd includibg kids throws big stones against you frequently ,will you stand there with nice smile?
I dont think so .
Neither the boy nor the police but the boy's parents are culprits here.

There are other ways as well known to professionals and experienced of such situations, to deal in such cases but killing a child for throwing a stone does not justify the criminal act at all.

The blame on parents is an issue to be discussed on priority in civilized world and peaceful land but under such circumstances in IoK, primary concern and priority should be that one must ask about the reason of throwing stones and resistance by such means of protests against the illegal occupation and brutalities that it is carried out through generations. Rather than rectifying the issue and redressing the situation, irrelevant and weak justifications of such crimes are submitted to cover the failures, incompetence and apply of inhuman force to suppress the struggle of IoK for their independence and right of determination, validating the irresponsible and ignorant attitude of occupiers.
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