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12 Sept, 1948 - The Quad-e-Azam is dead: The Dawn News


Apr 27, 2010
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Dawn's front page on September 12, 1948. This September 11 marks Quaid-e-Azam's 65th death anniversary. Long Live Pakistan! May Quaid's spirit lay in peace, and May Allah grant him with an exalted place in paradise.

I see tears of Mr.Jinnah,I find my nation standing infront of him with their heads down and Mr.Jinnah questioning them:

'At what price you have sold blood of your ancestors,martyrs?'

I ask you:
'Is he really in peace?'
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We need another man of his conviction and strength, salute to our Quaid!
But our media is only crying for victims of 9/11,i was shocked ''jew tv'' didn't mention any news about him even in headlines.

Do we deserve a leader like him??

I see tears of Mr.Jinnah,I find my nation standing infront of him with their heads down and Mr.Jinnah questioning them:

'At what price you have sold blood of your ancestors,martyrs?'

I ask you:
'Is he really in peace?'

Wise words dear, honestly speaking today Dunya News aired a 2 minutes report of Jinnah Residency Ziarat, the reporter was standing outside residency gate, the gates were locked and no one was there at residency. 3 months has passed since govt announced to rebuild Jinnah Residency and not even a stone has been moved as of yet, no one even visited residency in past 3 months to clean the wreckage of burned house forget rebuilding it.

I literally had tears in my eyes after watching that clip, our great father spent his life in struggle to make this country for us, and this is what we are doing with his remainings. :cry:
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