Thankssss.. Are you a doc by any chance?
Someone recommended me the easiest way to gain weight "not fat" is to consume raw eggs and of course exercise. Does that have any side effects?
No yaar, about an year back I jumped onto the fitness band wagon and education is equally as important to the hard work on the iron. You need to understand how your body loses weight, gains muscle...
Diet is 70% of any workout program so I just keep reading up on these things, you should too if you really want to keep going in the long run.
Don't do raw eggs. That is an unees sau derr ka formula. One very very big problem with raw eggs is the disease salmonella, which may be in the murghi that produced the egg. Normally heat easily kills salmonella and so there is no problem with cooked eggs.
Heat also reduces the protein from the eggs thats why crazy body builders like this raw eggs thing. But the amount of protein cooking the egg reduces is not worth taking the risk of getting a disease like salmonella.
Try to get yourself acquired onto the egg white omlette. Its the best to lose weight and build muscle. It takes a little getting used to. Also learn to do some basic cooking yourself, this way you won't be dependent on amma or begum for your special diet food.
Usually expecting that ghar walay would change their lifestyle around you is a bad idea so do the cooking on your own.
Don't just go for increasing weight - pehlwaan toh nahi banna na? Just keep focusing on building muscle, the mirror will tell you your progress better than the scale. People usually think that thin people have it better while turning to the gym but they have the same problem, fat guys have been carrying themselves around for so long they easily adapt to at least the weight lifting part of gym.
Basic thing is go for intensity. Once you can lift and do 2-3 sets with an amount of weight start looking to increase 5-10 kgs. Also don't exercise one muscle on consecutive days. When I was starting out, I did half body daily alternating between them. Rest is very important to building your muscle. When you lift weights, your muscle develops tiny tears, which are then filled up (or built up) by proteins.