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10 years in making, Astra advanced air combat missile may be ready in 2016

Hi This video probably states about indian muslims :
ofcourse most of our Pakistani friends do not like this guy.
He is my favorite commentator. The belief he is not well liked in Pakistan is wrong.

Why do you guys have this victim mentality?

I myself have several Muslim friends from different parts of the country and no one lives in 'suppression'/'oppression'. Any kind of stories that are heard mostly have some kind of political motivation behind them. And one or two random instances do not define how a population of about 200 million is being treated. Do you think any country in the world has the resource to blatantly oppress 200 million people and also curb any kind of backlash. If 200 million people were being oppressed you would surely have heard and seen many more instances.

India, inspite of its large population is a largely peaceful country in which certain elements at certain times move away from the main stream and do things which are not supported by anyone. Just like you cannot reflect the actions of a terrorist onto an entire religion similarly you cannot reflect the actions of a few individuals to an entire society. We do not need to get advise from outsiders about how to treat our own country men.
I will reply to this in a while-explain where I am coming from. Maybe I sound harsh with all this talk of Lucknowi merger with Pakistan but there are valid reasons for my beliefs and in reality it is just a view as long as we have 4-5 Lucknowis vouching for independence. I will explain myself in the least aggressive manner possible. Wait a while and I will respond to your post.
He is my favorite commentator. The belief he is not well liked in Pakistan is wrong.
Well whether he is liked or not isn't the point that I am making the point is every individual in India is following the same path/journey for success irrespective of the religion, Some win and some loose and they do not win/loose because of the religion but because of their individual capabilities. So looking at India through religion prism will be naive. I have many muslim friends and we have/share many things in common, Its the financial status that makes people different not religion. i.e. life/struggle of a poor person will be very similar to many other poor people irrespective of their religion. - I repeat my comment So looking at India through religion prism will be naive

You were the one who directed the thread away. You want to run the forum as you see fit which is not going to happen. You can keep crying and whining which is the only thing you have developed a reputation for, trying to direct how the forum is run.

Indias focus on missile technology is spearheading a race in South Asia for better and more sophisticated weapons. That is all I pointed at. I am glad people are getting sick of your Hindutva mentality and my allies are working for an independent Lucknow. Your arrogance mimics a general Indian policy of suppression and oppression of those with differing views. You want beyond anything to shut me and my Lucknowi independence ideals up but this is not going to happen and it happens no where that you can impose your views on the other and make him speak like your parrot.

India might break in the future only because of people like you. Lucknowis Kashmiris and Hyderabadi muslims are slowly rising and seeing how things-to our very thought process is being controlled by Hindutva fanatics like you. You want to impose on us your worldview, your thinking. It will not work.

No one else - including all of India's neighbors or any of the ummah are sweating except Pakistan..

How is pakistani sweating even a problem for India?.

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