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10 Most Extra Ordinary Weapons of The World

The Bachem Ba 349 was an experimental rocket-powered interceptor. With a vertical take off rather than using vulnerable airfields, it was intended to operate like an unmanned missile. Most of its journey to reach enemy bombers was radio controlled by ground personnel, although it did have a pilot, who would aim at the target and fire its rockets when close enough. However, the test pilot was killed in the plane’s first and last test flight in March 1945

The DFS 346 was a high-speed, rocket powered research aircraft. The prototype, unfinished at the time of the German surrender, was apparently rebuilt and underwent successful test flights in the Soviet Union a few years later

The Heinkel He 162 was a single engine jet fighter. It was made mostly of wood, since by this stage of the war, metals for aircraft manufacture were becoming scarce, but the He 162 was the fastest of the early jets. Henschel’s Hs 132, an interceptor aircraft and dive-bomber, never flew in active combat:


The Arado 234, the world’s original jet bomber, was very advanced for its time. It was equipped with automatic pilot, an ejector seat, pilot-aimed rear guns, and powered by twin jet engines, it proved far too fast for Allied planes to intercept.


WunderWaffe 8 - a sub-orbital bomberSilbervogel, which translates as Silverbird, was a rocket powered sub-orbital bomber, which was tested in wind tunnels, but never actually produced. However, it was a forerunner of future winged space vehicles such as the Space Shuttle.




1) Pressurized Cockpit 2) Oxidant Tanks 3) Fuel Tanks 4) High-Pressure Combustion Chamber of 100 Tons Thrust 5) Auxiliary Rocket Chambers 6) Wedge-Shaped Wing 7) Retracted Undercarriage 8) Free-Falling Bomb

1) Captive Rocket Booster of 600 Tons Thrust 2) Sänger Amerika Bomber of 100 Tons Thrust 3) 3 Km (1.9 miles) Long Monorail Track 4) Sled Carriage

Scientists believed that the Silbervogel would be able to cross the Atlantic carrying an 8,800 lb bomb to the continental USA, and then land in territory held by Japan in the Pacific. It would cover such a vast distance in a series of hops. After reaching 1200 mph with the help of a rocket-powered sled on a two mile rail track, the Silverbird’s rocket engines kicked in once it was airborne. Eventually flying at ninety miles and at a speed of almost 14,000 mph, it would slowly fall into the stratosphere and greater air density would give it a bounce to regain altitude. The size of the bounce would decrease each time, but German technicians still figured the Silverbird was very capable of making a mind-boggling trip of between 12000 and15000 miles.

WunderWaffe 9 - the flying-wing bomber
The Horten Ho-IX was a flying wing fighter/bomber, the prototype being developed in the latter part of the war. We show both "Gotha" and "Horten" projects here:





The earliest military helicopters were built by Germany and mainly saw service in the Mediterranean, but a few were also used in the Aegean and Baltic theatres. Both the Flettner 282 and the Focke Achgelis 223 (shown here) were never built in large numbers as a result of the production facilities being destroyed by Allied bombers.

WunderWaffe 10 - the Wind Cannon & the Vortex Gun
Some of the more bizarre inventions and ideas developed by German scientists were
- the sun cannon
- the vortex gun
- the sound cannon
- and the wind cannon.

The sun cannon had a big sun-reflector intended for use against enemy aircraft. The Americans captured an experimental model of the cannon in 1945, but its unknown whether any tests were done after the war - more info

The vortex gun was designed to try and take advantage of the known fact that air turbulence could bring down large aircraft and break them into pieces. The vortex gun’s shells, containing coal-dust and a slow-burning explosive in the center, were supposed to create an artificial whirlwind or tornado, which would make enemy airplanes lose control and thus fall from the sky. During testing and under near perfect conditions this odd device seemed to work quite well. It wasn’t known if the air pressure would actually cause structural failure in a plane, but the pressure it put on the wings would probably be very high and that might be enough to down the aircraft. Fortunately for the Allies, the vortex gun was never put into practice.

The wind cannon was designed to shoot a powerful jet of compressed air, as effective as a small shell, against enemy aircraft. As you can see from this picture it was an odd looking device. In tests, such a blast could break a 25mm wooden board from over 600 feet away. However, the potential effect on a fast moving aircraft would obviously be very different than against a fixed target, so as intriguing as the wind cannon was, it was unlikely to have produced the desired results. Even so, a cannon was set up on at one on the Elbe bridges in the closing stages of the war, but didn’t succeed in bringing down any hostile planes.


The sound cannon was supposed to turn explosions of oxygen and methane into noise that could kill. A very high amplitude sound beam would be emitted at pressures exceeding 1000 milibars from a distance of around 150 feet, which would be fatal to a human exposed to it for thirty seconds. At a greater distance, a soldier would still suffer great pain and be seriously incapacitated for a considerable time afterwards. The sound weapon wasn’t used in combat or tested on people but it is thought that lab animals may have been used. Another acoustic device, which was said to resemble a large cannon, supposedly sent out a sonic boom shock wave with enough force to bring down a large bomber.

All of these "wonder weapons" are confirmed fact; if you'd like to chek out various myths (including Nazi UFO Flying Saucer program), then there are plenty of sites to help you along. In our future articles we will touch on fantastic "secret" weapons of the Communist block and, pehaps, some spy technology.
I am in love with German Engineers..... ;)
Superb thread abbasniazi, great initiative , i m planning to use this content for a presentation in my office, i hope m not breaching copy write regulation :) .. keep posting
this GAU-8/A Avenger 7-barrel 30mm gatling gun:


the aircraft surrounding it that flies it!



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man i m so impressed of German engineers...........Mind blowing at that time....:smitten:

they knew what they were doing, German engineering is world renowned

Lutwaffe had the most high tech aircrafts of that era. They knew aero-dynamics and ideas of stealthy engineering way before the allied forces did
Awesome piece on the world famous German Engineering... My question however is what are the factors that sets the Germans apart from the rest of the World?
Superb thread abbasniazi, great initiative , i m planning to use this content for a presentation in my office, i hope m not breaching copy write regulation :) .. keep posting

Thanx Brother for ur compliments for this thread, by the way u can use this thread for whatever you like, if someone sue you for the copyrights, tell them that i sold you this information, i'll handle the rest;):pakistan::tup:
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Nothing is extraordinary than this!!

Pentagon Unveils New Gelatinous Chemical Robot
21 October 2009

A new shapeshifting chemical robot being developed for Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the US Army has been unveiled by Pentagon researchers.
ChemBot is a small mobile device that looks like a gelatinous blob, it can change shape to navigate through tight spaces and will be used by the army for intelligence gathering, and search and rescue missions.
The chemical robot moves from place to place by way of a process called 'jamming' which causes the material
to transition between semi-liquid and semi-solid states with only a slight change in volume.
Jamming technology allows the scientists to make the ChemBot grow or shrink and roll it around with accurate control, and even manipulate it to pass through cracks in walls and reform on the other side.
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