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10 Kashmiri Freedom Fighters Martyred in Sopore

For how long? Well for atleast 70 years and counting at least, given that India has managed to keep active Counter Insurgency operations in Nagaland since 1950s.

Than good luck be prepared to fight another 50 or 70 years of resistance .. cause the people Fighting in Kashmir is fighting for their land, they see you as invaders they won't stop fighting you , you can kill 100 but that will be replaced by 100 more , and the cycle goes on .

As for targetting civilians is concerned, Indians still havent forgotten what Kashmiris did to Pandits. That action was solely responsible for the loss of any form of sympathy towards Kashmiris from rest of India, a fact that exists on ground even 25 years after the fact.

What happen to pandit ? How many were killed ? we find more mass graves of Kashmiri's than these pandits you are talking about , Kashmiri resistance is only targeting IA and Law enforcement agencies not civilians hence you can't brush them as Terrorists .

Indians dont forget easily, and not for a long long time. Cruelty will be answered with even more cruelty. A single attack in Mumbai brought an end to any desire for peace or negotiation with Pakistan, and so it is that even 10 years after the horrific attack, there exists no real yearning for talks.

Neither do Kashmiri's , they won't forget their 70 years of brutal occupation , mass murder , burning of towns/villages and raping their women , this eye for eye thing will keep India in this unending war .. as for Mumbai attack there is a lot of Fog surrounding it , and if India does not want to talk with Pakistan , that is completely fine .

If the militants/terrorists/freedom fighters try something like what they did to Pundits, there will be a slaughter in kashmir, and this time there will be no one to hold the grim reaper back.

As i said, you can slaughter them in numbers, but maybe the next Generation will not be that tolerant towards no targeting Civilians , and than you will have a full blown insurgency in another occupied territory .The countries you call Friends today , will be the ones bringing UN resolution against you Geopolitics change and so does Friends and Foes .

We would of course like a peaceful solution, but territory and survival of India is non-negotiable.

Territory that does not belong to you , neither belong to us, it belong to the natives ( Kashmiri ) let them decide which ever side they want to chose , but at least live up to the promises you made in UN . if you have so much confidence that most of the Kashmiri's wants to live peacefully with India than why not hold a referendum ? You fear that results will be against you , that is why you are holding their land with less than 500,000 strong Military force, Never let International Media or Human rights Orgs to enter and investigate . as they say " Chor ki Dari mai tinka " .
its not about the Loses , its about the killing .. You can forcefully hold up a land but for how long ? maybe this Generation is far more tolerant about not targeting Civilians than upcoming ? if next generation of Kashmiri freedom Fighters took the more aggressive way than it will be difficult for IA to hold . better find a peaceful solution unless you are ready to kill and let your soldiers die for a long time.

Few hundred terrorists want freedom,
Thousands stand with India in Police Force / Army
Few hundred terrorists want freedom,
Thousands stand with India in Police Force / Army
Few hundred terrorists want freedom,
Thousands stand with India in Police Force / Army
Whole Muslim in IOK want freedom from India, they want to free their land from illegal occupation of India @t_for_talli
Whole Muslim in IOK want freedom from India, they want to free their land from illegal occupation of India @t_for_talli

Jammu and Kashmir is not only Muslim, Hindus,Sikhs live there.
Jammu and Kashmir is not only Muslim, Hindus,Sikhs live there.
Majority is Muslims more than 70% @SHARMA BHOPALI
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Majority is Muslims more than 70% @SHARMA BHOPALI

India is a majority hindu, but Hindus are never going to send Muslims to pakistan.20crore muslims of India are living in india from long time ,BANGLADESH is a reminder.
India is a majority hindu, but Hindus are never going to send Muslims to pakistan.20crore muslims of India are living in india from long time ,BANGLADESH is a reminder.
i said in IOK, and i am not talking about India but IOK, don't twist your words @SHARMA BHOPALI
Few hundred terrorists want freedom,
Thousands stand with India in Police Force / Army

either you are naive or ignorant ..
There should be a referendum in IOK.You will see Hindoos illegal occupation will be thrown out.Hindoos are afraid of this.Everyone on this earth knows IOK is Muslim majority state and it belongs to Kashmiris.Have bal-s place a referendum and lets see who they vote for.
We have kept india intact , forget your dream of taking kashmir.
We are not dreaming to take Kashmir but you're not giving their rights to choose which country is they wanna live, its incomplete agenda of independence of subcontinent @SHARMA BHOPALI
We will fight in Kashmir to the last padosan.
We will wipe out the last person who dreams of aazadi and dance on their graves.
We are not dreaming to take Kashmir but you're not giving their rights to choose which country is they wanna live, its incomplete agenda of independence of subcontinent @SHARMA BHOPALI

Will you give pashtun and Baloch right to get separate country ?
Pakistan is divided in two , go first unite then talk about Kashmir.

We will fight in Kashmir to the last padosan.
We will wipe out the last person who dreams of aazadi and dance on their graves.

Padosan .....ha ha ha .

I would like padosans stay .
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