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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

I don't care what perception you have, we have a friggin claim line which is the LAC and you ain't crossing it. 20 dead and 10 captured when you tried on the 15th. So wake me up when you have new perception genius. Lololol. Never seen one country finding ways to legitimize our occupation just to save face. Its so easy to manipulate you geniuses.
It is very easy to fool you guys. Satellite pics showed you have totally failed to cross our LAC in Galwan and let alone reach your CCL.
Honestly I have been thinking the Chinese used baseball bats studded with metal like The Walking Dead's Negan character!!


You gotta love Lucille.
so no "sir ji kal strike" after getting a colonel killed?

One week later:

India: Why hasn't China pulled back?

Chinese wanted to teach India a lesson and tell them who's the Boss, They have done it.
You have every right to gloat, you earned it, friends.
Actually I was reluctant to post such bloody pictures, after all, we are human beings, it is a tragedy. However, since these indians are still bragging hard in their dream world, I decide to wake them up.
Nice to see they have reached an amicable solution, this is no time to fight a war, Covid 19 has hammered us as it is, loss of lives should always be avoided.

War would've destabilised a region already reeling hard due to corona.
In other words, China has successfully taken control of entire Galwan valley without firing a single bullet and no kinetic response from India. Modi has officially ceded India's claim to this territory by saying that Galwan Valley never belonged to them. Job well done.

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