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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Modi thought Chinese were joking around and underestimated the situation, as usual.
Well, good for him.
Why is India so weak when it comes to stuff like this?

I have nothing against any of the parties involved personally but something about India just comes off as "sissy". Can't really put my finger it on lol.

My apologies to anyone reading this.

Anyone thinking india having any chance against China is sick in his head. India can't even take on pakistan.
Anyone thinking india having any chance against China is sick in his head. India can't even take on pakistan.

Yeah man, I can't really argue against that. India just hasn't been showing any sort of legitimate strength against its opponents and it really shows.

Hell, they just lost three of their soldiers, high ranking as well (I'm assuming). You can't just up and walk away, but what am I to say really...
They are all huddled together here:

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Biggest effect this will have in long term is accelerating the already low morale of the Indian Army. If a unit loses it;s CO and he is not avenged, and they have to hush it up, then word like that will spread like wildfire across the army.

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