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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

en. Zhao Zonqi, head of the Western Theater Command and among the few combat veterans still serving in the People's Liberation Army, approved the operation along the contested border region of northern India and southwestern China, a source familiar with the assessment says on the condition of anonymity. Zhao, who has overseen prior standoffs with India, has previously expressed concerns that China must not appear weak to avoid exploitation by the United States and its allies, including in New Delhi, the source says, and saw the faceoff last week as a way to "teach India a lesson."

and also this part where it is clear that Xi Jingping would have been aware of the plan. So this was an operation approved by all levels of the PLA hierarchy and political leadership all the way to Xi Jingping. It was not some local hothead wanting his day of glory.

It remains unclear the extent to which Chinese President Xi Jinping was involved in the decisions that led to last week's bloody encounter, though analysts familiar with Chinese military decision making say he would have almost certainly known about the orders.
Rich coming from a Chinese who does not even know where the Chinese soldiers bodies are buried by their own Govt after the fight. You guys talking about credibility of another countries news is a joke. Come up with something better next time.
Lol.. US report? Indeed, US is the most righteous nation. They never lie, cheat or steal. Anything US report must be cited as the Bible. :enjoy:

I doubt it, i dont see why Modi gave a clean sheet to the Chinese, only for him to start a war. What would his rationale be?

Thinking about this a bit more, i think it could be a deception trick by India to lull China into a false sent of security before attacking China. Lying, cheating and Deception are part of the Hindu religion and their pysche, so i think India will view it as a valid means of getting things done?
This statement tells you know know nothing about the developments. This isn't he reason why I asked you the question. Anyway instead of spook feeding about who was the aggressor, I take your half knowledge (for the sale of fun) to be true. So yea India was the aggressor... so now atleast all your allegations about Chinese intruding to challenge Indians first was a joke I guess.. It was India who didn't let the Chinese settle and went ahead to poke them.... poor Chinese.
Who went to the chinese post with dozens of soldiers, and got 20 dead and 10+ arrested?
Rich coming from a Chinese who does not even know where the Chinese soldiers bodies are buried by their own Govt after the fight. You guys talking about credibility of another countries news is a joke. Come up with something better next time.
And how do you know that??x that they buried their soldiers???
I see Communists peeing in their pants again. Your post talks about warnings, and not about preparedness. This is 2020. Ask all your aging citizens to hide in bunkers and send all your single raised children with your last goodbyes when they come to Indian border. Unfortunately they are not coming back. Reiterating.. this is India
of 2020.
"the history of China from 1962 where we were badly under prepared...." the warning China give India is published on People's daily on 22, Sept, 1962, check out below from Wikipedia:

"Xu Yan, prominent Chinese military historian and professor at the PLA's National Defense University, gives an account of the Chinese leadership's decision to go to war. By late September 1962, the Chinese leadership had begun to reconsider their policy of "armed coexistence", which had failed to address their concerns with the forward policy and Tibet, and consider a large, decisive strike.[4] On 22 September 1962, the People's Daily published an article which claimed that "the Chinese people were burning with 'great indignation' over the Indian actions on the border and that New Delhi could not 'now say that warning was not served in advance'."[69][70]"

Please pay attention to People's Daily this time..... warning will be in the newspaper!

Indians should immediately land all their helicopters
I will be here in a Pakistani site and keep showing you the mirror. You can do nothing.
The obsession starts in you logging onto a Pakistani site and burn. Cant over a billion indians get a site half as good as this? Ouch burning?

We are allowed to discuss whatever we want to wherever we want to - at the end of the day it is a Pakistani site.
I encourage admin to allow more Indians to express themselves on here so we can see for ourselves the stupidity and obsession you chaps possess when it comes to anything Pakistani.

You talk about success for India? Are you seriously for real? You call losing land, losing soldiers your leaders lying through the teeth as success then thats fine.

India has been humiliated and the world can see for themselves.

You continue to ramble on about Chinese losses trying to mitigate your own losses. Stop deflecting and allow it to sink in. You leader Mr Surrender has accepted the loss and i think you should let that sink in slowly so it doesnt give you any blood pressure issues.
Rich coming from a Chinese who does not even know where the Chinese soldiers bodies are buried by their own Govt after the fight. You guys talking about credibility of another countries news is a joke. Come up with something better next time.
Rich coming from a country that has given up literally a land mass equivalent of Switzerland - rich coming from you whose nation lost so many soldiers needlessly and had to timidly accept prisoners. Even richer coming from a nation whose leader has bowed away into the corner of the playground with a dunce hat on.
You must be burning with shame inside you - hope you enjoy your day on PAKISTAN defence forum
I saw this and I saw that. If you are done with your 'I saw a unicorn' stories please give me a break. I don't hope you'd ever post anything worth discussing either. Don't quote me. Your kind is not worth my time. Not anymore. Shoo
Dude they fcked you guys up, I've seen the pics they literally slaughtered your soldiers. If you got pictures of your own, show 'em or shut the fck up.
I saw this and I saw that. If you are done with your 'I saw a unicorn' stories please give me a break. I don't hope you'd ever post anything worth discussing either. Don't quote me. Your kind is not worth my time. Not anymore. Shoo

My incredulous thoughts exactly when I read the same post.
Fake news

Only Chinese sources are acceptable.

But other news from Indian sources acknowledging the death of Indian Col. is not totally fake. But this one definitely is.

U think indian news paper quoting un named indian sources who in turn quoting un named Chinese sources acceptable standard of journalism??

U don't want to name indian source ok just name the Chinese source?? Why are u protecting Chinese military officials?? Is that Indian news job??
From your posts:
- Gave up land mass to other country as a gift
- Prisoners... Prisoners of war
- Accept soldiers.... Someone didn't even accept own soldiers
- Leader in a corner... Leader ran away from the country...

Wow all this tells me you are such brilliant student of your country's history. Good job dude.


Rich coming from a country that has given up literally a land mass equivalent of Switzerland - rich coming from you whose nation lost so many soldiers needlessly and had to timidly accept prisoners. Even richer coming from a nation whose leader has bowed away into the corner of the playground with a dunce hat on.
You must be burning with shame inside you - hope you enjoy your day on PAKISTAN defence forum
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