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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China


Looks like I am giving Raj47 competition.:p::lol::D:P
For the Indian, don't worry. Surely , surely the Chinese have recorded down the whole event and soon we will know who is the one making wild claim and play acting.
This is the most likely reason why Indian Army is not making any official statement about numbers. Last time they released a video of a Chinese soldier getting beaten by 20+ IA troops, Chinese responded with photo of arms/ legs tied troops of India.

It seems like for Chinese, IA is an army of children.. They thrash Indian soldiers whenever and however they like.

Can any of our Chinese colleagues translate this one (if it's too long then just a short summary of the information in it)? I found it on CJDBY, apparently it's from a chinese person reporting on the events & casualties, obviously anything said in it is not official & could be just speculation.

First hand account, 0 death. Those that are seriously injured have been taken off the line. 2 drivers from India got captured, the rest ran. 200 guys with bats injuried 60 men. They could not withstand attack from three sides, started to ran. So we started throwing rocks. Some fell into the river, some a ditch.
They didn't dare to come back to the scene, and that's why there are that many that died from blood lose or low temperature.

No idea if that's true.(this last sentence is from me)
American intelligence believes 35 Chinese troops died, including one senior officer, a source familiar with that assessment tells U.S. News

The same claiming by many sources but here, no one will believe on that....So we need to leave this.
usnews.com LMAO... It will tell you which univ is the best, MIT, Harvard, or Princeton... American intelligence?? Excuse me??
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The reason why this is not reported in Chinese media is because Xi Jinping is nothing more than a bully who does not have the balls to fight a real war, because his censored kingdom will crumble under the combined pressures from all sides, inside and outside. All you 50 cent warriors are the only ones whose assholes are on fire, you can use it to stir fry pe-king noodles.
Lol.. Xi is confident. Chinese never see Indian as threat becos Indian military is a joke.:rofl:
also CCP does say Chinese side has "casualties" but never used words anywhere "牺牲" which is always used like J-8 pilot collision accident in Haiwan around 2000 and embassy bombing and attacks over time. This is signal of loss of life. To be honest CCP probably prefer some chinese loss to make big dramatics about how Indian attacked us and killed some of us. It suits CCP. They don't lie. More chance they suffered some injuries. It doesn't make sense to not say yes we suffered deaths of 10 men of something like that. This will be even better for propaganda and to counter India crying blood and to counter India accusation we attacked them in middle of the night of killed their people sent to talk only with no weapons.
What about the great leap forward?
The reason why this is not reported in Chinese media is because Xi Jinping is nothing more than a bully who does not have the balls to fight a real war, because his censored kingdom will crumble under the combined pressures from all sides, inside and outside. All you 50 cent warriors are the only ones whose assholes are on fire, you can use it to stir fry pe-king noodles.

Given the Chinese take the river and kill your commander, and the fact Chinese are afraid of you battle-harden India army who won countless battle in wiki:rofl:, why not you just attack the Chinese now then.

Btw, since Chinese social media openly claimed that there is not a SINGLE PLA soldier died in this encounter so a single picture of PLA died bodies in this encounter worth more than 1000000 of your bullshit excuse, please show us.
@Joe Shearer Do you still hold your yesterday's opinion, that the incident is just to divert domestic attention in china, and the situation won't escalate.
Do you think IA would forgo 20+ casualties, or they will retaliate?

I think that we went over a tipping point yesterday. The situation is now quite unpredictable. While I still hold to my evaluation of earlier, the following things have changed - for the worse.
  1. There has been major violence.
  2. This cannot have been unplanned; these are not one or two accidental deaths.
  3. Either Beijing intended this to happen right through, OR
  4. Local commanders took matters into their own hands.
  5. The Indian political leadership has washed its hands of the situation and left it to the military leadership to sort out the problems that they created in the first place.
Now I don't want to predict anything; things have taken an ugly turn.

I don't know how the IA will react.
Really these dirty fuckers been calling us everything and keep lying against us for so much of history. They shelter our political false self claimed man god dalai lama and cause so much internal trouble in tibet for us like devils whispering. Then until now keep talking like they are the man but really they are 45kg rapists and if they meet real men they will receive reality. PLA hates India and if given reason will make them hurt before sending these rapists off to afterlife.

I'm sure Pakistam Army has shared notes with PLAAF on how to exploit the weakness of indian army as well as indian nationalism backbhome in india - that's why no statements on fron the likes of Modi from india.

Pakistan uploads pictures of LOC martyres on Twitter, they are gone from the world cant be brought back but their valiant pictures and their burials on youtube help appease the fascinations of blood thirsty saffrons back home in india. Even if equal number of hindu soldiers die in LOC, india never uploads their info or pics or last rites.

This is an age of information warfare too, and China is doing well on that front. india does not have an international sympathizer.

Sheltring & hosting/hiring a dissident from rival country is too fornulaic in indian strategy. They do it with Pakistan too but haven't extracted any practical results from this. They'll fail with Dalai Lama too. Have desperately failed in fact. Dalai Lama couldnt give india anything in his lifetime.
Lol.. Xi is confident. Chinese never see Indian as threat becos Indian military is a joke.:rofl:
You are jealous of India because hundreds of millions of Chinese are already unemployed, factories moving out and India is welcoming all these businesses. CPEC is an epic failure without India's support - no returns on these investments. The whole world is angry at China because of your bio-warfare with the covid 19 virus, just wait until Covid is over and you will see how confident Xi Jinping really is.
Given the Chinese take the river and kill your commander, and the fact Chinese are afraid of you battle-harden India army who won countless battle in wiki:rofl:, why not you just attack the Chinese now then.

Btw, since Chinese social media openly claimed that there is not a SINGLE PLA soldier died in this encounter so a single picture of PLA died bodies in this encounter worth more than 1000000 of your bullshit excuse, please show us.
Your state controlled media can say whatever it likes and your alipay and wechat point controlled people will also say only what gives them more points.
You are jealous of India because hundreds of millions of Chinese are already unemployed, factories moving out and India is welcoming all these businesses. CPEC is an epic failure without India's support - no returns on these investments. The whole world is angry at China because of your bio-warfare with the covid 19 virus, just wait until Covid is over and you will see how confident Xi Jinping really is.

Lel, Indians, the people who deleted tiktok to promote their made in India delusion, and downloaded a Pakistani app, then realised their stupidity, are going to become a supa powa? Can't even run your own country, who tf wants make it the hub of the world?

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