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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

@rott can confirm.
To be honest, not many Chinese people have heard about that skirmish. I wasn't even aware of the war until I came here to PDF and when Indians mentioned it. Of course, I don't believe Indian numbers. Anything Indians or Indian media states about their causalty, we might have to multiply it 5 times.
@Han Patriot @Beast @beijingwalker @serenity @Feng Leng
They can give a better picture of the 1967 skirmish.

Even the low iq sanghis are waking up to the reality. Not all but some of them
China shoudl've killed them all and both sides can pretend those jawans never existed
Chinese and Indian troops were engaged in a serious physical clash in Galwan Valley on Monday. The Indian side said three Indian soldiers were killed. The Chinese military confirmed that clashes between the two sides have led to casualties, but did not release the exact figures.

This has been the most serious clash between Chinese and Indian soldiers so far. Indian media reported this is the first time since 1975 that soldiers died in border conflicts between the two countries.

India has been building extensive infrastructure facilities along the border, and forcibly built part of the facilities in the Chinese side of the Line of Actual Control regardless of bilateral divergences over the border disputes. The two sides went into repeated physical clashes as Chinese soldiers tried to stop their Indian counterparts.

The arrogance and recklessness of the Indian side is the main reason for the consistent tensions along China-India borders. In recent years, New Delhi has adopted a tough stance on border issues, which is mainly resulted from two misjudgments. It believes that China does not want to sour ties with India because of increasing strategic pressure from the US, therefore China lacks the will to hit back provocations from the Indian side. In addition, some Indian people mistakenly believe their country's military is more powerful than China's. These misperceptions affect the rationality of Indian opinion and add pressure to India's China policy.

The US has wooed India with its Indo-Pacific Strategy, which adds to the abovementioned misjudgment of some Indian elite. In 2017 when Indian troops crossed the line and entered the Doklam area to openly challenge China's territorial sovereignty, their craze was caused by such arrogance. Such an aggressive posture has won praise from the Indian public, which means that the Indian elite's mentality toward China is unhealthy and dangerous.

China does not want to clash with India and hopes to peacefully deal with bilateral border disputes. This is China's goodwill, not weakness. How could China sacrifice its sovereignty in exchange for peace and bow to threats from New Delhi?

China and India are big countries. Peace and stability along border areas matter to both countries as well as to the region. New Delhi must be clear that the resources that the US would invest in China-India relations are limited. What the US would do is just extend a lever to India, which Washington can exploit to worsen India's ties with China, and make India dedicate itself to serving Washington's interests.

The gap between China's and India's strength is clear. China does not want to turn border issues with India into a confrontation. This is goodwill and restraint from China. But China is confident in the situation at the border. It does not and will not create conflicts, but it fears no conflicts either. This policy is supported by both morality and strength. We will not trade our bottom line with anyone.

The clash in the Galwan Valley this time has led to casualties on both sides, indicating China-India border tensions, amid constant frictions, may spiral out of control. We notice that the leadership of the two militaries has exercised restraint after the incident, indicating that both sides would like to handle the conflict peacefully and not let the conflict escalate. It is noteworthy that the Chinese side did not disclose the number of casualties of the Chinese military, a move that aims to avoid comparing and preventing confrontational sentiments from escalating.

We would like to see tensions in the Galwan Valley subside. It is hoped that the Indian side can strengthen management of frontline troops and engineers, and adhere to the consensus reached between the leadership of the two militaries. It will benefit both sides if the situation cools down, and it needs the efforts of both Chinese and Indian frontline troops.

On the China-India border issue, the Chinese public should trust the government and the People's Liberation Army. They will firmly safeguard China's territorial integrity and maintain national interests when dealing with border conflicts. China has the ability and wisdom to safeguard every inch of its land and will not let any strategic trick meet its end.

Colonel Santosh Babu was likely abandoned by his troops during the confrontation , indian army has had a long history of poor relationship between its officers and it't rank and file
Pakistan lost Siachin, Kargil, East Pakistan to India. At least we Pakistanis should be humble.

You sound like an indian making up fairy tales. "East Pakistan" was lost to the bangladeshis. indians just rode on the backs of bangladeshis and celebrated with them. Talking about "East Pakistan" is like claiming "united india" lost over 35% of it's territory in the creation of Pakistan. Can you post the links to some credible sources that prove Pakistan lost the Kargil conflict. No FAKE NEWS sites please.
This has to be one of the most humiliating day in Indian military history - now the 600 plus guest - that something for you guys to ponder. Think - this after all the investment in the latest technology - and the present government has made you into the laughing stock of the world.

the other thread is closed citing fake story, i wonder why threads are running when they only quote Indian media source and goes on and on aaaaaaand on for 100's of pages.....

well, to tell you the truth.... chinese never attacked.... this is a skirmish without firing a bullet or a projectile. what it means is declaration or war is not official.
India lost 20 of its soldiers, while chinese count stands 43.... i given links to it and you must have seen it. This source is of course India media house, because India army is not a news agency to provide hourly updates.

If chinese count is more or less then 43 they are free to reject it and give us the correct figure.... this is where you need to understand who is playing a game and who is not.

their global times an xinua anyways runs for 48 hours a day... dishing out warnings and threats for rest of the world.. why silent now?

while India is a democracy and anyone can ask direct question to our PM or def minister. Its not the case with china... so official confirmation will take looong time and will always be watered down.

and to tell you again, chinese people are already not happy with xi and the way he handled wuhan virus.... if the body bags of their only child in family starts going inside china it will be a catastrophe of enourmous magnitude for ccp.

this is the reason chinese always fight through their media and not on the actual battlefield. because if they do and it incurrs heavy casualty then the local sentiments will be difficult to contain.

china dont want to be another USSR you see..

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