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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Yea. That small sliver of the valley.

Pakistan has domain over 35% of Kashmir, india occupies 45%. Great going by Pakistan considering that we are more than 7x smaller than india...............:azn:.....................if our 35% is small sliver, then india's 45% isn't really much better................:lol:..................:azn:
‘Bajwa Doctrine’!
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If they suffered even 1 casualty it would be in their interest to announce that. Would help with public opinion and take attention away from Covid... the fact that their media is even giving minimal coverage to Indian losses show that no damage was done.

Chinese are just as nationalistic as the Indians. They wouldn't miss any opportunity to gain public goodwill for any loss of life.
China has already controlled Corona.. and it is in the final stages of developing a vaccine for the rest of the world which will greatly increase its standing around the globe.

The thing is, Chinese government is not afraid of disclosing any casualties because it doesn't have to win next elections.
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This has to be one of the most humiliating day in Indian military history - now the 600 plus guest - that something for you guys to ponder. Think - this after all the investment in the latest technology - and the present government has made you into the laughing stock of the world.
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中印军方高层谈判未结束 印度军方发表声明

中印两国边境紧张局势不断升级,中印军方高层于当地时间6月6日11时30分左右在中印边境地区拉达克(Ladakh)东部丘舒尔(Chushul)地区的莫尔多(Moldo)边境人员会议地点举行,中国人民解放军西藏军区司令及印度陆军第14军团司令辛格(Harinder Singh)出席会谈。




《印度时报》6月6日也报道称,有消息人士透露称,此次会谈由印方首次提出,印方要求双方保持边界的和平与安定,并遵守两国自1993年以来签署的协定。但消息人士也警告称不要对双方立即拿出解决方案抱有期待,6日举行的会议可能只是接下来一系列会议中的第一次。 06月07日 00:37 来自 360安全浏览器


Ay pra ji Farsi wich ki likhia ay....
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