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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

It is far easier for the PRC to control the flow of this kind of information. Moreover,

Agreed. In this game of chess one must question all sides. I don't believe everything from both sides, but to claim the PLA lost 53 troops is just absurd. Why would China hide its losses when at the end of the day its still in control of the damn valley? If anything China announcing its death toll would promote its nationalist agenda.

This tells me that there were no fatalities on the Chinese side and China making numerous attempts to De-escalate the situation to save face for Indians confirms this.

This tells me that there were no fatalities on the Chinese side and China making numerous attempts to De-escalate the situation to save face for Indians confirms this.

From what I understand from multiple sources, the skirmish between China and India was apparently a massive fistfight in a remote cliff passage, most of the deaths were guys falling off a really crowded cliff. Also, they're not reporting it but a number of Chinese soldiers died too.
This is the basic ego issue with the Indians

What figure makes Indian humilation acceptable to pajeets

If 3 Indians die, India claims 5 Chinese

Now 20 Indians confirmed dead so immediately new figure of 43 Chinese comes out

Last year we shot down MIG, immediately claim of F16 comes out

45 Indian soldiers get halaled in pulwama and immediately they claim a bogus attack and 300 terrorists

It's so blatantly obvious it's crazy Indian public accept it
Indians love numbers. They invented ZERO...

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