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1 terrorist dead during an IBO in Dossali, North Wazirstan

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The problem with these tribes is that they are one trick pony.
They can fight and that's it.
That's the only thing they take pride in.
Fighting is like oxygen to them.
Unless this caveman mentality doesn't change , and they start taking pride in things other than war, there won't be peace in those areas
We lost 4 men to IED attack yesterday, one does not even count. Every terrorist, his family, kin, anybody he met should all be made examples off. Collective punishment. If you cant mend your ways than even after you are killed like a pig, your families will continue to suffer.
The problem with these tribes is that they are one trick pony.
They can fight and that's it.
That's the only thing they take pride in.
Fighting is like oxygen to them.
Unless this caveman mentality doesn't change , and they start taking pride in things other than war, there won't be peace in those areas
The reason is absence of other means to earn bread and butter. The area traditionally has been left to tribes to do whatever they want and now it will take a lot of time before they can be brought into mainstream. The solution for Baluchistan and KPK is to provide opportunities to common folks, provide education and health facilities so that it can change for good.
I'm not being a pessimist, but it won't take long for terrorists to equal the score, they'll simply plant an IED on a route a convoy takes and that's it.
Terrorists have taken a different approach to fighting against the military after they've had their a$$ handed to them after ZeA. They're not locking horns, rather hitting the weak sides.
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