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'1 in 4 Israelis would consider leaving country if Iran gets nukes'

hmm; the mighty israeli airfoce bombed positions of hezbollah with LGB's; finding out minutes later that rockets were fired from the same place again... so much for the 2nd best airforce in the world; and yeah; the israelis couldn't take an inch of land from hezbollah :toast_sign:

Remember remember the 6 days war :enjoy:
Remember remember the 6 days war :enjoy:

remember the 34 day war :enjoy:

all they could was bomb from the air and decimate peoples houses and kill innocent children; ah you support killing children dont you?didnt have the balls to come down and fight :guns: would have got their balls ripped off :guns:
oh and the land did belong to the muslims :pop:

It belonged to Jews and Christians earlier. And there were Jews in it with Arabs before Israel was created.

In Israel, currently 20% population is Arab (1.1 million Muslims, 130,000 Christians and 100,000 Druze).

Just compare the Human Rights of PA, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. For that matter take example of Pakistan and Blasphemy laws.
remember the 34 day war :enjoy:

all they could was bomb from the air and decimate peoples houses and kill innocent children; ah you support killing children dont you?didnt have the balls to come down and fight :guns: would have got their balls ripped off :guns:

You have only seen one side of the story. Don't sway in emotions. A lot more happened in India partition and Bangladesh too.
Muslim should remember Muhammad P.B.U.H Prophecies ...

Armegeddon is not so Far ...

Be Prepared !!
You have only seen one side of the story. Don't sway in emotions. A lot more happened in India partition and Bangladesh too.

we are not discussing the partition or bangladesh here; everyone knows the muktini bahini were the ones killing and raping and looting.

One side of the story? how many israelis have been killed with respect to palestinians? how many children have they lost with respect to the palestinians? are israelis confined into a large prison where no food or water can enter without approval?
You sir are the one who is seeing only one side of the story and merely turn a blind eye to the suffering of a whole nation at the hands of a bastard regime.
Israel isn't stupid, they wont let iran get the bomb.

i think that for its size its a/f the 2nd best in the world.

if the US had an a/f of 420 it'd be #1 still due to high tech and good pilots. but Israel would be #2 for sure.

also iran just needs to stop with all the threats and let Israel live in peace.

I can't seem understand your madness that your people keep harbouring.

For god sake 1) Even if the President did say it (obviously there are prove that he didn't say it) its NOT the Iranian people who did !. BIG DIFERENCE. He only said it he never did it like Israel tries to eliminate the Muslim in Palestine like hows Nazi try to get rid of the jews.

2) You and the person who gave thanks to, Metallic seems to lavish on the idea of Palistens suffering and death. YOu seem to keep quiet when Israel commits a Holocaust in the middleast but go all defence for Israel or try to shut them up when someone just says something thats is the truth, a huge contradiction of the West freedom of speech - do you even know what that means or are you gonna go all retarded now.

ANd when you have things like these:

and then you have the ardacity to call Palestien Nazi after losesing la oved one ?
Its no wonder Arabs are ramming planes into US buildings.
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Israeli media tend to sensationalize things. Iran is signatory to CTBT and NPT that doesn't allow manufacturing of nuclear weapons. Moreover, this statement has been made by Iranian spokesperson time and again. IAEA have mentioned there is no proof of an Iranian nuclear weapons program. So why the hysteria?

By the way, I don't see how use of nuclear weapons, or any WMDs for that matter can be justified Islamically. Islam explicitly prohibits killing of civilians, women and children during combat and it would be impossible to do so with WMDs. Although in a strategic sense keeping them as a deterrent might be necessary.

Its also in the Jewish Torah not to Kill innocent its also in the 10 COMMANDMENTS:

Commandment Jewish (Talmudic):

I am the Lord your God
You shall have no other gods before me
You shall not make for yourself an idol
You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God
Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy
Honor your father and mother
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
You shall not covet your neighbor's wife
You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor
You have only seen one side of the story. Don't sway in emotions. A lot more happened in India partition and Bangladesh too.

18 dead in 8 years compared to 1400 in 22 days as mentally challenged as u seem to be u decide if thats proportionate :enjoy:
Israel isn't stupid, they wont let iran get the bomb.
i think that for its size its a/f the 2nd best in the world.
if the US had an a/f of 420 it'd be #1 still due to high tech and good pilots. but Israel would be #2 for sure.
also iran just needs to stop with all the threats and let Israel live in peace.

Israel is the agreesor ! they occupy palestanian land and Iran is standing against this evil rather than having all Arab countries besides him.....Iran is the only one with balls and they are right on their stance against zionists and they have the right to claim nuclear weapons.
ARSENAL first thanks for posting good one bro..
10 Commandment not Telmudic telmud is another book that Jews worship to death that considers the rest of humans as dogs and degrade rest..
Commandment Jewish: see the highlighted ones

I am the Lord your God
You shall have no other gods before me
You shall not make for yourself an idol
You shall not make wrongful use of the name of your God.(telmud>priest wins debate against God imagine the idiocy of jews )
Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy
Honor your father and mother
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal land stolen resources stolen
You shall not bear false witness against your neighborMuslims protected Jews under its rule jews witnessed it and now there false witness of accusing Muslims..
You shall not covet your neighbor's wife
You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor (jews wish they own the whole arab land starting of with Palestine)

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