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1.8 million people in Xinjiang rise above poverty in 4 years

Unfortunately in the eyes and ears of the Western politicians and media this great poverty alleviation achievement is nothing but oppression and brainwash.
They do their job and we do our job and in the end let's compare the results. By then Xinjiang would be one of the most developed regions in the world, now it enjoys the fastest economic growth rate in whole China.
Unfortunately in the eyes and ears of the Western politicians and media this great poverty alleviation achievement is nothing but oppression and brainwash.

The best answer to verbal rhetoric is action.

Words will disappear and forgotten. But what has been created on the ground remains and continues to speak.

That's why the more China becomes developed, the more the US regime becomes wordy.

In the past, they used to develop, developing countries used to keep talking, and doing little.

Today, developing countries tend to mind their own business and develop, while US regime gets wordy.

I forget the count -- how many "shock and awe" statements the US regime has done over the year. People hear, and then forget.
Handing out free money..? huh, great, now I know where my tax money goes.
How many of those were han immigrants ?
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