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“We lost Kargil” Lieutenant-General Kishan Pal

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Apr 30, 2009
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Source: “We lost Kargil” Lieutenant-General Kishan Pal|Times of Bombay

“We lost Kargil” Lieutenant-General Kishan Pal

Posted on 25 May 2011

A General who led the Indian Army on ground in the Kargil conflict, has broken his 11-year silence to say that he believes India actually lost the war in strategic terms. In an exclusive interview to NDTV, Lieutenant-General Kishan Pal, who was then the head of the Srinagar-based 15 Corps, says India has failed to consolidate its tactical gains.

The Indian commanding officer Lt Gen (Retd) Kishen Pal goes on to say–we lost Kargil.

“I consider this loss of war because whatever we gained from the war has not been consolidated, either politically or diplomatically, it has not been consolidated militarily,” Lt Gen (retd) Kishen Pal.

Recent news stories from Bharat are shedding new light on Kargil. The final history has not been written. When we wrote the original article it was dismissed by some Bharatis. New evidence now shows that even Bharati Generals like General Kishen are echoing our original write up. Kargil keeps Kashmir alive. The world since Kargil knows that there can be no peace in South Asia if Kashmir is not resolved.

Bollywood clips cannot change the facts on the ground of Kargil. 11 years after the episode, the truth has come out. Bharat falsified records, fired innocent officers, and exaggerated the incident and hid the number of casualties.

WE ARE NOT CONVINCED THAT WE WON THE WAR. “I consider this as a loss of war”. Lieutenant-General Kishan Pal

Kashmir which had been forgotten is boiling today and on the international agenda. Kargil gave a new life to the Kashmiri freedom movement.

India Lost Kargil War – Lieutenant-General Kishan Pal
Indians have been celebrating ephemeral victories in 1948 and 1998 in Kargil. After a decade the truth has begun to percolate.

Bharati generals have begun to question their victory.

Bharat suffered more deaths than Pakistan, however that is still cloaked in lies and secrecy.

Bharat never recovered all the peaks, that is still hidden. Pakistan will not brag about it, and Bharat is too ashamed to admit it.

The Israeli role was never fully divulged. Without external help from the US and Israel, Bharat was totally doomed to lose all of Kashmir

The rest is all Bollywood.


I always say this country cant do anything alone against Pakistan... the country is 3rd world country thats it who have just money nothing else more.. India always need support from International power but still not achieve her goal fully... the country cant capable to do any single action against Pakistan. Unfortunately a General who led the Indian Army in Kargil War finally opened his mouth!

you cant deny the fact...

Again another slap!

First announced successful missiles test after 10 years ... Indian scientist said.. our test was not successful

Again another slap on Indian faces... in past claimed that we WON THE WAR unfortunately.. A general who was fighting that war ... no 3rd source... he finally opened his mouth and accept that we not won the Kargil"

Read the rest of Full Article ...“We lost Kargil” Lieutenant-General Kishan Pal|Times of Bombay
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Everyone knows we lost, I mean it's not like we got all those peaks back. Pakistan still holds on to those oh so "strategic points". Furthermore, we destroyed our international image by starting a pointless war, blaming it on "non-state actors" and refusing to accept our own soldiers' sacrifices. And to top it all off, the Pakistanis called our bluff in regards to the nukes and just went ahead to hand us our a**es back anyway... but yeah we lost that war.

PS: And every other war that India ever fought.
Well they won in the movies didnt they................. huh

Thats the pure ULTAY haath ka SLAP on all INDIAN faces!!!

Before jumping a joy to unfounded conclusions, you should at least watch the video. And then read the source.

Nowhere he says India lost. In fact he says India did have tactical victory, and did regain all of the land, but the lives lost could have been lessened to a great extent, and in that context India did not win it completely. Not winning does not mean losing.

Also, keep in mind, even the generals in India might want to happily go to war with Pakistan, esp in these times! This is nothing more than statements like, "Oh we didn't do it last time, let's do it again!"

Try to read and analyze things before commenting on them. That newspiece in the opening thread is completely clueless as to whatever is being said. It is nothing more than a propaganda site, citing its sources from rupeenews.com.
^ easy to tell others about "conspiracy theory"

but when turn to back ...


hahahah accept reality rather thn passing *** statements!
Before jumping a joy to unfounded conclusions, you should at least watch the video. And then read the source.

Nowhere he says India lost. In fact he says India did have tactical victory, and did regain all of the land, but the lives lost could have been lessened to a great extent, and in that context India did not win it completely. Not winning does not mean losing.

Also, keep in mind, even the generals in India might want to happily go to war with Pakistan, esp in these times! This is nothing more than statements like, "Oh we didn't do it last time, let's do it again!"

Try to read and analyze things before commenting on them. That newspiece in the opening thread is completely clueless as to whatever is being said. It is nothing more than a propaganda site, citing its sources from rupeenews.com.

You know a source is credible when they refer to us as "bharatis". :D
You know a source is credible when they refer to us as "bharatis". :D

either source is credible or not YOUR GENERAL WHO WAS FIGHTING AT THAT TIME open his mouth LIVE on "TV" hahahhahahah accept reality rather than passing statements.
^ easy to tell others about "conspiracy theory"

but when turn to back ...


hahahah accept reality rather thn passing *** statements!

Would you mind telling those fools to change "Bharat" to India?

They can't even lie smartly. duh
India lost kargil temporarily for 1 month. But our LGB's and howitzers and our brave soldiers gave us back Kargil. Jai Hind.
Please see the youtube video, there is no relation between what's in the video and the content of the article.

The article is rubbish. The source is questionable, Times of Bombay |  About is the about page. Contributing authors are from rupee news and the site names India as Bharat. Enough said
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