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  1. Type59

    BREAKING: PAF base Mianwali under attack, suicide bombers and heavy weapons in use

    What was lost in terms of personal and aircraft?
  2. Type59

    Attack on American logistic convoy in Iraq

    American military will suffer from the advances in drone warfare witnessed in Ukr.
  3. Type59

    BREAKING NEWS: Canada’s Population Grows by Over 1 Million for First Time!!!! (Annual expansion of 2.7%)

    Property prices are high. Increased immigration means more competition for resources.
  4. Type59

    India’s homegrown instant payment system has remade commerce and pulled millions into the formal economy

    Most countries have had growth of digital payments. You did not need 2016 money ban. Indians like to think Pakistan does not have a biometric identity card etc.
  5. Type59

    Indian Firm Suspends Production Of Eye Drops Linked To Death In US

    Insane. Indian greed running unchecked. Cutting corners on medical products has killed many around the world.
  6. Type59

    Ex President and Ex COAS General Pervez Musharraf Passes Away

    Tough situation post 9/11. Kids on here don't realise the major implications of that day. Mushy did a sound job, but agree a mixed legacy.
  7. Type59

    Suicide drones hit target 500km inside Iran

    Iran has too many enemies internally and externally. Only option is that Janissary route or A.I/robots to protect establishment.
  8. Type59

    Iran player refuse to sing national anthem

    You can make a point without using demeaning language "sand nigger'. Separately, a balanced Iranian can explain who is leading protests. Remember just like Saddam and Gaddafi rule millions benefited from system. Same with Iran, many millions benefit from status quo.
  9. Type59

    Iran player refuse to sing national anthem

    Seems like Kurds are major opponents of government during this protest? Kurds in Northern Iraq need to realise their position is weak, especially with Turkey being a NATO member.
  10. Type59

    China will never build a better military than the US; US military most lethal war fighting machine on the planet : General Milley

    Capital building was stormed by mainly white Americans. Americans governments have focused on dominance on the international area. They have neglected domestic arena.
  11. Type59

    Türkiye is faced with a 'methamphetamine epidemic,' says main opposition leader

    Drug problem is failure of humanity. Everywhere cheap and deadly drugs are widely available.
  12. Type59

    Iran test launches new satellite-carrying rocket ( Iran Unofficially tested ICBM )

    That's why people in Iran and outside are working to curtail development. So many 5th columnists in Iran, I am surprised rocket was not sabotaged.
  13. Type59

    Saudi Arabia to start selling Alcohol

    It's a discussion forum. I doubt anyone in power, outside Pakistan, cares about PDF.
  14. Type59

    Saudi Arabia to start selling Alcohol

    Shows the flaws of humanity, we will drink and smoke poison despite seeing the evidence first hand.
  15. Type59

    Saudi Arabia to start selling Alcohol

    Is all the medical and scientific reports related to alcohol consumption, funded by Islamic Mullahs. No matter your beliefs, the universal truth is alcohol is bad for you. Why encourage others to drink that might potentially destroy their lives?
  16. Type59

    Saudi Arabia to start selling Alcohol

    The evidence of the positives of alcohol are greatly outweighed by the negatives. Do you deny medical and scientific studies? The reality is the alcohol industry is very powerful. There is a push to drink more and more. Established markets are saturated, hence targeting populations where...
  17. Type59

    Saudi Arabia to start selling Alcohol

    You have got a problem. Can't go without for a day, if alcohol is so good why can't you drink and drive. Better yet the pilot and aircraft maintenance guys should be inebriated at work.
  18. Type59

    Saudi Arabia to start selling Alcohol

    Alcoholism is a big problem in UK. The problem is just ignored and people who are alcoholics are seen as "can't handle their drink". TBH it is a global problem, people are medicating themselves with drink and drugs. People are ignoring health warnings and suffering the consequences.
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