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  1. empty bottle

    concerned about pakistan

  2. empty bottle

    my city nanjing & welcome to nanjing

    i am sure you will be welcomed in china
  3. empty bottle

    China’s Xinhua news agency to maintain cooperation with Associated Press of Pakistan

    xin hua news agency is not entirely the chinese government's mouthpiece.
  4. empty bottle

    Chinese Type-054A

    great weapons
  5. empty bottle

    concerned about pakistan

    :pakistan::pakistan::china::china: i hope the situation in pakistan will getting better, pakistan government and military force have made great efforts on counter terrorism since 9.11. which also helped china fights against with separatism.so a stable situation is not only important for pk...
  6. empty bottle

    concerned about pakistan

    :pakistan::pakistan: i am concerned about the recent situation in pakistan. if this situation lasts.i am afrid pakistan's ecnomic will be suffered due to political instability. it may cause a serious consequence:china::china:
  7. empty bottle

    China wants military ties with ASEAN

    in my opinion, our chinese should be more modest.we must realize that china is not strong enough now, which still is a developping country . many social prombles in china need to be solved . our army have not armed with aircraft carriers and have not got sufficient advanced fighter...
  8. empty bottle

    my city nanjing & welcome to nanjing

    your city very well , when i was in college .my faculty organized a group to had a 3-weeks internship in nanjng .but it was so boring worked in factory there .i even had no time to visit nanjing city . by the way i am living in xi an city
  9. empty bottle

    5 things to love about China

    as a chinese i am gratitude for all of you to focus on china .as we all know china has got a rapid speed of development in the past 30 years .from beginning of the reform and opening up policy starts, some military and economic progresses has been achieved. for having just only 30 years...
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