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  1. S

    Only 11% want Democracy

    opinion polls are always done with a smal number of people but people from different sections of scociety and results extrapolated.
  2. S

    Nato caused ‘Rs110bn damage to roads’

    The neighbors have disputes with us. look at india -bhutan , any issues? only pak and china are the trouble makers. If you see china has problems with all neighbors (pleasee see china-vietnam) Pak harbours terrorists like Dawood. BD only now is friendly and india and BD settled land disputes...
  3. S

    Indian Ocean Peaceful Geo-Political Pivot Or Contentious Source of Hedging

    ye mother entity kya hai? india holds a larger part of kashmir. so small entity (gilgit-balstistan+P-occ-K) should return to India. correct? if you say tibet and arunachal should be one entity, please ask our chinese brothers to vacate tibet. Even the tibetan govt which was elected is in india...
  4. S

    Only 11% want Democracy

    i dont understand , please elaborate
  5. S

    Indian Ocean Peaceful Geo-Political Pivot Or Contentious Source of Hedging

    Sir ji, I am saying that Arunachal is a part of india, and if north tibet is a part of arunachal then china has to return Tibet to india. So if china says arunachal is disputed , then North tibet is also disputed. Secondly, we want to get back tibet by peaceful means and will not resort to...
  6. S

    Only 11% want Democracy

    see.. if a bad man becomes caliph then the caliphate will become bad. thats what happnedd to ottoman khilafa. Pakistan had electinos in 1971, when Mujibur won. Yahya khan did not give him the reins as he was supposed to. which essentially means that punjabi muslims did not want to hand over...
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    Only 11% want Democracy

    I agree that democracy takes time. Do you give your child hormones to make him grow faster or do you give him time to mature? I think that would have answered you question. The rest of your post is pure BS, who were ruling the india subcontinent? when was there ever a shariah or khilafat here...
  8. S

    Only 11% want Democracy

    my point is that, this cannot happen. because as nations, the muslim world is very fragmented . An arab will never be under a Pakistani caliph, just as Punjabi muslims refused to be under Bangali muslims (i hope this answers your question). Ok I mentioned pakistan khilafah, just to make the...
  9. S

    Indian Ocean Peaceful Geo-Political Pivot Or Contentious Source of Hedging

    Thats the best part. If you say arunachal is South tibet, then China should return North Tibet to india. because north tibet is a part of arunachal.
  10. S

    Only 11% want Democracy

    when america became a democracy in 1776, do you think everyone was educated? This is the best solution.
  11. S

    Only 11% want Democracy

    Khilafa is not a viable or workable option. It only shows 56% of pak have no clue about reality. remember BD ran away from Pakistan Khilafat. How do you think a united Arab, persian, turki, malay country can actually be possible. each one will be accusing that the other is not muslim enough and...
  12. S

    Only 11% want Democracy

    Ironic, because the very fact of having an opinion poll points to a democratic system.
  13. S

    ANALYSIS: Hitler’s revenge

    LOL... Then you are agreeing Narendra Modi is a gerat man too and one who only wanted economic improvement. Thanks, please go and say this to you fellow pakistanis and save us all a lot of keystrokes.
  14. S

    Islamization of Bangla threat to India: BJP MP

    hahaha .. 100% muslim.. i know thats your dream, but as of now its not reality
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    Islamization of Bangla threat to India: BJP MP

    I had pointed out in a post that anyone who talks about Gujarat riots need to first answer about the reason for the riots which was because muslims had burnt a train full of hindus. unless they address that you dont have any credibility to bring up this point in arguments. In all of these...
  16. S

    Islamization of Bangla threat to India: BJP MP

    Islam is spreading not because of conversino, but higher birth rates among immigrants.
  17. S

    Islamization of Bangla threat to India: BJP MP

    yes, after the election of AL, i have more hope for BD to become a more tolerant and secular country
  18. S

    Islamization of Bangla threat to India: BJP MP

    no one would have put a knoife on his throat to convert. but it would an unsaid sidelining that would have caused him problems. Also , the hindus in BD would have converted due to oppression and unsaid sidelining. and the spurt of muslims in NE is obviously due to illegal immigration from BD.
  19. S

    Nato caused ‘Rs110bn damage to roads’

    India does not provide any assistance to BLA and its not difficult to get Indian-make weapons from sitara market. Secondly if india did provide the afghan taliban would be used by isi to kill everyone in the embassy. third india is a peace loving country and doesnt do these type of things...
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