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  1. sparrowhawk

    The Future of Islam in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh - by Sh. Imran Hosein

    Of course one does not have to agree with every single thing the Shaykh mentions but overall it is a fascinating analysis...in the vein of Sayyid Zaid Hamid.
  2. sparrowhawk

    The Future of Islam in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh - by Sh. Imran Hosein

    The Shaykh -- from Trinidad! -- but educated in Pakistan -- he is a student of the student of the father of Shah Ahmad Noorani (ra) uses hadith and Quran and knowledge of Islamic Eschatology to predict how in the near future the USA, Israelis and India will attempt to break up Pakistan and...
  3. sparrowhawk

    Typhoon submarine, the World's Largest Nuclear Submarine!

    Pak should buy one!! That would give us a guaranteed 2nd strike capability--the reason these were made in the first place. The idea was that they lie under the ice poles for up to six months and then resurface to launch all their nuclear warheads. Each one has about 15 odd nuclear SLBMs with...
  4. sparrowhawk

    Hindu children in India being programmed to Hate and Eliminate Muslims .

    teaching children at such a young age to hate others is so sad no matter who does it! The people brainwashing these innocent boys are as bad as the Taliban who do a similar job in their madrassahs although if this is being run by the BJP/RSS/VHP/Shiv Sena then its more frightening because these...
  5. sparrowhawk

    Islamophobic vote in Netherlands elections.

    Overall Muslims are just about 2% of the EU population. Sure a few cities have large concentrations but overall 2% is nothing. Of this 2% 95% are not in any way extreme....so I think it is just an excuse they use to want to get rid of us... especially in poor economic times -- people blame the...
  6. sparrowhawk

    horrible Islamophobic attack in France

    It's getting to the point where sometimes - despite my very lucky and cushy lifestyle (thank God) which I studied and worked really hard to achieve at school, university and now workplace -- I wish my parents had never emigrated from Pakistan. Its actually soul-destroying not having a real place...
  7. sparrowhawk

    horrible Islamophobic attack in France

    Hey that's really not true. Most Muslims I know -- at least amongst educated ones -- are pretty much Europeanised culturally and are fairly secular in how they live their everyday lives and don't support the extremists but the problem is that even if you are a non-practising Muslim you will...
  8. sparrowhawk

    horrible Islamophobic attack in France

    Yeh la'anat on the French man! Bunch of Islamophobic w*nkers! I think that the people who are saying it are right that these are the first signs of a massive backlash against Muslims - not just the extremists - all Muslims -- as they will only truly accept you if you completely give up your...
  9. sparrowhawk

    SSN22 Sunburn missiles: How Pakistan can neutralise the threat of India's aircraft carrier!

    this is just a movie (The Sum of All Fears) but it shows a US aircraft carrier being sunk by missiles fired by Soviet Tu-22 bombers...(conventional).
  10. sparrowhawk

    SSN22 Sunburn missiles: How Pakistan can neutralise the threat of India's aircraft carrier!

    Thanks for the link! Here's a thought: can the Chinese supersonic Cx-1 be fitted with a tactical nuke? Also, all it takes is one nuke dropped on an aircraft carrier from a fighter jet right to destroy it?! ;) God forbid but if all out war broke out between India and Pak then that would surely...
  11. sparrowhawk

    Zaid Hamid

    The thing about the ghazwa-e-Hind which people -especially Indian Hindus-don't understand is that it is not a Zaid Hamid made-up thing, nor is it a Pakistani thing: it is actually a part of Islamic Eschatology -- i.e. the study of what will happen at the end of time according to Islamic...
  12. sparrowhawk

    SSN22 Sunburn missiles: How Pakistan can neutralise the threat of India's aircraft carrier!

    Hi Beast! I've only recently developed an interest in such things hence I joined the forum. What do the photos you posted show? Thanks!
  13. sparrowhawk

    Russia says Mohammed (PBUH) cartoon publication is illegal

    good news! Kudos to Russia! Actually Russia has a huge Muslim population - around 10% or so -- so they are also doing it for domestic reasons but that's great. I agree with the poster who said Muslim countries should build closer ties with Russia including Pakistan.
  14. sparrowhawk

    SSN22 Sunburn missiles: How Pakistan can neutralise the threat of India's aircraft carrier!

    1) If the aircraft carrier is sunk, it would be worth it from a military perspective right? Plus our armed forces don't fear death! 2) There is the more advanced supersonic SSN26 Onyx: Anyway I think such a weapon - if gettable -- would be a game changer. Just my signature - nothing else...
  15. sparrowhawk

    SSN22 Sunburn missiles: How Pakistan can neutralise the threat of India's aircraft carrier!

    Sorry it should say 'how' not 'wow'! addendum: According to Wiki, India and China have these too already from Russia. So, why can't we buy a few 100 from the Chinese? :) There's a more advanced version called the SSN26 Onyx too ....
  16. sparrowhawk

    SSN22 Sunburn missiles: How Pakistan can neutralise the threat of India's aircraft carrier!

    Salam! I think it is necessary for Pakistan to buy so-called aircraft-carrier destroying missiles such as the Russian SSN22 'Sunburn' anti-ship missiles (That's the NATO name for them. I think they are called Moskit 570 by the Russians). These are allegedly the most powerful such weapons in the...
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