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  1. T

    Bahrain National Guard to recruit former soldiers from Pakistan

    brother u lose ur chance to go there bcz selection is complete already and our visa with passport is also gone there and we haven't listen anything but kernal sadaj have all passports and he is already back to Bahrain when he came back i also told u and post that here well may be upcoming 5 days...
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    Bahrain National Guard to recruit former soldiers from Pakistan

    just take a look for this video we aren't try to killed them and also we have the permission to kill them but we cant bcz we are Muslims and we know this is a fight in between kind and shia protesters and ya u must see this video my one of friend take this video
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    The National Guard

    if u want to ask any question replay here about this national gurad and first tell me r u slected or well its more then 6 months take in training and they give u a traning like real commandos dosnt matter u r in national guard or in police they give u same traning
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    The National Guard

    first u tell me which country u joined for national guard is it Bahrain if yes then listen i think u have a time to continue ur education and other yes u can transfer after do job after training more then 1 years u can transfer in these countries uk,usa,saudi arabia,pakistan and etc like that
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    Joining Air National Guard

    hey is someone tell me i m this time doing job in Bahrain nation guard can i transfer my job to another country is yes then tell me how and what type of this way
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    Bahrain National Guard to recruit former soldiers from Pakistan

    one more news i listen today in bahrain so many more then 85 thousand pakistani and we dont know how much other countries sunni still hide in bahrain and bahrain king said to kill shia protestor but u may still see police and army still try to calm down this u see so many videos police fired...
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    Bahrain National Guard to recruit former soldiers from Pakistan

    one more thing so many sunni and pakistan still hide in bahrain and so many relatives still not know where they are and if any sunni or pakistani try to go on secure area he or she killed in center or when they try to go in secure area now u guys tell what u have answer for this
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    Bahrain National Guard to recruit former soldiers from Pakistan

    i think the shaikh never servive and may be they give us order to killed them we dont have any choice left if they said us to killed them then i have 2 stuvations transfer my job or leave this job this is not in my hands who is a true Muslim but if i killed any one Muslim how would i give the...
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    Bahrain National Guard to recruit former soldiers from Pakistan

    slam i have the answer for u yes Bahrain is preparing for some thing major operation bcz i m also selected in Bahrain commando's and we are leaving Pakistan i think in 1st April and something what i know is every police man or army or commando's who select Bahrain army give us train like real...
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