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  1. adilamin

    'Chinese students stealing tech secrets from UK varsities’

    chinese students are intelligent ...they are more intelligent than uk students
  2. adilamin

    may ALLAH keep PAKISTAN safe .....

    may ALLAH keep PAKISTAN safe .....
  3. adilamin

    Pakistan vs West Indies - March 23rd, 2011 - Cricket World Cup 2011

    yeah! PAKISTAN won by 10 wickets ...
  4. adilamin

    India vs Australia: CWC 2nd QTF, March 24

    go india go . you have to beat aus . then WE (PAKSITAN) is ready to beat you .
  5. adilamin

    India vs Australia: CWC 2nd QTF, March 24

    Go india go beat AUSSIE and then WE(PAKISTAN) are ready to beat you . yo!
  6. adilamin

    India keeps an eye on China

    it is so long story .i do not want to read it , but title is so funny
  7. adilamin

    assalm-o-alaikum PAKISTAN ...

    assalm-o-alaikum PAKISTAN ...
  8. adilamin

    Fake Democracy in Pakistan

    all parties are fake . army should come
  9. adilamin

    happy 23 rd march ..LONG LIVE PAKISTAN ameen...

    happy 23 rd march ..LONG LIVE PAKISTAN ameen...
  10. adilamin

    happy 23 rd march ..LONG LIVE PAKISTAN ameen

    happy 23 rd march ..LONG LIVE PAKISTAN ameen
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